Building a healthy relationship. You will like it after reading.

in #relationship8 years ago


Human beings are social creatures, and
we relate to each other on three levels:spirit,soul and body.

This progression is very important. Healthy relationships should always begin at the spiritual and intellectual levels - the levels of purpose, motivation, interests, dreams, and personality.

The physical dimension is the least important of the three, yet that is where we usually start.

Culture has completely reversed the process. Everywhere we turn in society(the media, the entertainment industry, the educational system), the focus in relationships is on physical attraction first.

This has lead to the danger of becoming physically and emotionally involved too quickly at too deep a level, leading to inappropriate behaviour.

Starting a relationship in the physical dimension is like building a house on a sand; it'll never last.

Start the relationship in the spiritual dimension because the things we see(physical appearance and possessions) are temporal and the things we do not see are eternal.

Don't forget to upvote.


Hi @owura, this is very true, thank you for sharing

This progression is very important

that's right for a healthy relationship