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RE: 9 Things I Learnt From My Past Relationships

in #relationship7 years ago

I think the best take on relationship is never to have expectations. To be care, to be pampered, to have a soulmate, to have each other in the storm. The relationship should be simple...are you comfortable with the other person more than a friend. If the answer is yes...then that is all it takes. Imposing conditions and expectations are true recipe for disaster.

I have been called worse than eating dog poo. I usually react, sometimes not immediately. Like they say, not everyone that shits on you is your enemy. Then i realised that is so true. The person who showered me with the most praises is the real asshole. Well we grow a day older and a day wiser. I believe in one thing, you cant be old and wise if you have never been young and foolish.


You know, it is true that not everyone that is arsy to you is your enemy. Sometimes I prefer people being straight to my face rather than being all nicey nicey. I guess you've gotten that end of the stick - can understand how unpleasant that could be for you....

On the side of expectations , personally for that I would always say that it is important to know our own boundaries and what we are willing to put up with,- or not. Once we know that, then when someone comes along, rather than trying to change the other- it would be a case of sorting out the compatibility factor and seeing if both parties can work it out somehow.. and if not, well, that's part and parcel of life relationships hey.. with 7.5 billion people on earth and counting- pretty sure there's at least one out there perfect for us.. lol ...

Can always start singing like pocahontas and use the phrase...'you think you know whatever land you land on...'🎶🎶🎶🎶🎸🎸🎸

Hahaha it is one of my favourite song!