Hey everyone, its another beautiful day and another interesting edition of relationship matters.
It has been quite fun and informative this past few weeks on the show.
Today we would be talking about love and how do we define it. Love has so many meanings but we can't really define what love is we all know love is the most powerful feeling a human being can experience and we have various types of love there is family love, love for friends, Gods love, marital love etc. So love has its different expressions the kind of love a person will have for a mother is different from the one you have for your spouse. Many people abuse the word love they say it when they don't mean it and some don't even know the meaning of love. It is very essential to learn the true meaning if words, you enjoy doing something does not mean you love that thing or you are attracted to a persons physical appearance doesn't mean you are in love you could just say you admire him or her.
Some people actually lust after each other and mistake it to be love, but as soon as they connect sexually they start drifting apart that's when they discover that it was just a sexual erotic desire kind of love, it was not a matter of the heart. Words are very powerful instruments not only to communicate with others but with yourself the word we use creates awareness and eventually become reality. Love between partners can only begin if their interest is built on trust honesty truth and respect, if both partners have this for each other then it gives room for love to start growing. It is very easy to fall in love with someone but difficult to stay in love, and when you find yourself in such position that means you were not meant for each other in the first place. Before you can truly love someone you have to first start loving yourself and appreciating who you are without that it would be hard loving someone.
When you are in love with yourself loving someone would be made easy.
Love is a beautiful thing and a beautiful feeling when you are with the right person, when a person is in love they can make sacrifices for their loved ones do crazy and unthinkable things, you would want to please your partner at all cost. No matter what he or she does to you, you just have to overlook and forgive that is what we call true love. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring because when you are in love there is this inner joy you feel, you feel so complete and fulfilled if you are in love I advice you do your very best in staying that way.
Till I come your way next Thursday again stay blessed.
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I'll try to be there this time
Alright dear