There was this little debate that was brought up today by my secondary school class mate, izuhunwa.
This topic is actually conntroversial :
This is what i have to say..
Following the trend of the way relationship has been so far, it will seem that a relationship can't go far or no matter how much u guys love each other, at the tail end there seen to be a stumbling block or probably an oppressor who will steal your woman from you..
From my own opinion, I would say if anyone wants to go into a relationship he should first of all work on himself and be comfortable financially. By that I mean he should be able to get at least basic things. Being broke can make a guy less to nothing.
Imagine going on a date and you are Broke... Anytime the lady orders something from the food menu you have never heard before, your mind skips because you are scared of the embarrassment you will receive, if you can't pay the money.
Let's look at another scenario;
You happen to meet a rich lady that has been going from church to church praying for a husband. You both love each other but she has been the one paying the bills till both of you eventually get married. I guess, you know your fate after the next one year, if you don't take responsibility as a man.
But love sometimes can surprise reasons.
Let's now look at it from the other side of the coin;
When you date a poor guy or lady, there are several lesson to learn from them and experiences to gain from dating.
If you happen to date a gold digger girlfriend, thank God at least when next you spot one in your next relationship and she shows such trait, you booth her away!! if as a guy, you date only when you're rich. Of course, it is likely that your partner might leave you for a more materially comfortable person.
On the flip side, however, a broke person's fortunes might be changed by a rich partner.
A broke person can date as far as there is no sence of entitlement on his part, he is working hard on his self-reliance capacity and is not expecting too much from his date or potential partner. The broke lady can date too as far as lynching the guy is not her goal. Both parties are trying to see if they r compatible and confortable with each others traits and attributes, if they have similar outlook to life etc. Those things don't need so much money to get stared. Everyone is a work in progress. Find the "work in progress" that u like most.
folks who are broke but are already in a relationship please and please use a condom
There is No point bringing kids to suffer 🙏 here
Image: pixabay