Make your Choice: Mouth Odour And Body Odour?

in #relationship6 years ago (edited)

Have you ever been in a relationship where your partner has a very bad mouth or body odour? Or let's say If you are mandated to pick one, which would you prefer.. Lol.

Both are terrible, my God can't imagine dating a fine Lady with body odour. So, I would prefer a mouth odour at least I can always tell her to Shut her mouth. Chai, how can I enjoy kissing her with her mouth stinking? There are people with body odour that can contaminate or change the fragrance of deodorant that they use.

To be sincere, most people who have body or mouth odour do not know they do, so it takes a loving and caring partner or friends to open up and tell them so that adequate precautions can be taken. The issue now is, no one likes to be told,

Hey, you have a mouth or Body odour

Telling them that is more like you are embarrassing them.


Nevertheless, if you have a partner that has any of the two don't break up with them just yet, things can be done about it. Talk to them about it in a gentle and loving way and they will forever love and appreciate you


it depends on how drunk I am

Lol... This man you are crazy

I fear these things too.....i hate it and try to make sure i don't develop them.......

Listerin and pure antiseptic soap is a must.

Cc @ehiboss, come contribute

Both are terrible o but halitosis can easily be remedied

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