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RE: The Incongruent Patner: Very Confusing; Walk out Or Stay?

in #relationship7 years ago

Well, i like to say there is difference between being incongruent and being persistently incongruent. You described here the later. Many times its possible for humans to say one thing but end up doing another thing. However, before such happens or after, he/she should do what is called communication with the party involved. Sometimes we may say onething and do the other but when it becomes a habit, its obviously bad. Maybe a psychological relaxation is needed by such person. However, we should support our partner as much as possible. Buen post @gloglo.


Thank you very much @turpsy, its nice to have you here. The points here are wonderful and one to agree with. Although from your explanation when one is persistently incongruent he is aware of what he does and in full controll of his actions. Naturally any one can say something and forget to do it out of human nature and we understand that, such person apologises and work in order not for it to occur again.

But in this context we are talking about people's feelings, people's emotions. It is something that should be critically looked into. Judging from the personalities involve.

We still wait your reply on this @turpsy. It was nice seeing you come around.

But in this context we are talking about people's feelings, people's emotions.

Well when it becomes persistent then this is beyond mere forgetfulness. Re-evaluation is needed.

Judging from the personalities involve.

I think humans are still human not minding the personality nor position.

Thats cool... thank you for elaborating this far. That was really educative. Bless you.