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RE: Miss. Opinionated : Guys that grind my gears!

in #relationship8 years ago

So, I guess what you're saying is don't be a cartoon?

I imagine a guy that had a maybe 25% intensity of those characteristics would be incredibly attractive to you.

Out of interest, what would you see as the polar opposite of these caricatures?


You are right, I prefer these traits in moderation. And 25% is a good level of intensity for each. On the other hand, some of the polar opposites are also quite unattractive too.

For instance, instead of a person spending time relaxing and playing games, they would spend all day just thinking about making money; I would find that quite soul destroying and I certainly couldn't imagine latching onto someone like that either.

The polar opposite to a pretty boy, is the neanderthal which I would actually prefer, again with moderation. There's looking rugged, unshaven but hygienic, then there's people who don't wash. That's a pretty big turn off.

One of the hardest traits to get the right balance of is emotional expression. Some men are really hard to crack, and seem to live with a hard outer shell seemingly unaffected by anything emotional. It's this quality that makes them some what mysterious and how they give off the air of a 'bad guy' making them some what more attractive. At the same time, someone completely emotionally impenetrable would be hard to form a close bond with because i'd feel like they didn't really open up to me and share their deepest thoughts.

There is a reason you don't know exactly what you want. Read my other comment on this blog page and the linked information. Pay special attention to the fact that you are hardwired by nature for hypergamy.