Your ability to enter into a long-term,loving relationship is important measure of your character and personality.Men and women are born to be two halves that make up one whole.To log into a loving relationship this distinct half must be identified and carefully adhered to,to enhance the most loving relationship especially with that one person you want to truly loves or that you love.
To begin,the following must be understood about the male and the female nature.A male and female perceive the world in very distinct ways and they react differently to people and circumstances.When a male speak,it is generally an expression of what he is thinking.When a female speaks,it is an expression of what she is feeling.A woman doesn't just desire love,she truly requires it and a man a doesn't desire respect,the truly needs it.As much as a man needs to know that he is respected,a woman wants to feel that she is loved.To the women receiving love is their greatest need.They need an atmosphere of affection to feel loved.Also,the man is naturally a logical thinker while the females are naturally an emotional feelers.The woman's natural focus is on the sensory ,intuitive and emotional realms of life while the male is more connected to his physical surrounding.To be continues...