"The biological differences between men and women have an effect on the way they think and this leads to seemingly double standards."
Ah, so I guess it's only women/feminists/minorities/other identity politics groups that get to complain about double standards. Gosh, I guess that's just another double standard us men should shut up about while we sacrifice more for you!
"In a crisis it often makes biological sense to save children and their mothers first and this drives family men to do extraordinary things."
Do you see any crisis around, like the Titanic going down, that necessitates such cruel "lifeboat logic" to justify women being more valuable? I don't.
"makes biological sense"
Do we have a population or genetic undersupply that makes this true? Didn't think so.
"someone who has read to much and lived too little."
Ah, you were doing so well until you decided to start attacking my character, rendering you the first to concede the debate:
"argumentum ad hominem, is where an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself."