Increasing Happiness

in #relationships8 years ago (edited)

As a woman sometimes I think that more shopping, mani/pedis, massages etc. increase my happiness. When I look at the bills afterwards though, the bills that follow don't make me feel so good.

Only recently have I realized that what I put into my mind determines whether or not I am happy. For example, I watch the latest Scandal episode, but then I have bad dreams. How can this be when I LOVE Scandal!!! On the other hand, I run on the beach with my dogs, and they smile because they loved it so much. When I sleep my dreams are peaceful with the beach experience and anxiety filled because of Scandal.

When I have had conflict with someone I replay it in my dreams. Then I wake up feeling stressed out. When I have said positive things to encourage someone, I sleep better and feel better when I wake up.

I am learning that if I want more happiness, I have to change my focus to positive thoughts. What I watch on tv affects how I sleep. What kind of music I listen to affects my sleep. My daily choices affect my level of happiness. If my choices are positive and peaceful my happiness level increases.