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RE: Got Jesus?

in #religion6 years ago (edited)

Luckily I was born when I did. To be able to apply the signs of the impending rapture to current events then researching it and finding a whole group of people preaching the same to confirm my belief.

Otherwise I’d still be unsaved because of my concerns with the appropriateness of God’s judgements.


Yeah, well you lost me on this one. I don't buy into the "rapture" thing at all. I think it's basically divination. Using the bible as a crystal ball. If it works for you, then congratulations. I just see it as yet another example in a 2000 year history of people misreading the book of Revelation to say the "end times" are imminent. Historically, they have all been wrong, and in all probability so are you today.

I'm much more interested in the slander of the character of God that is the Eternal Conscious Torment in Hell doctrine.

And for the record, finding other people who agree with you is no way to determine truth. You could say the same exact thing for preterism, amillenialism, Pre-wrath, pre-trip, Hindus, Muslims, Bhuddists, Sikh, etc. Lots of people have crazy beliefs. Finding that there are others like you is not confirmation of anything except maybe that you have been influenced by huge advertising campaigns from book publishers, movie producers, and megachurch pastors who all make millions off the "rapture."

Absolutely what you mention are are real concerns about the way faith can be confirmed and consensus in an if itself is not complete confirmation.

As I said before.... the invention of cryptos and rfids takes the prophesy of stopping all commerce without the mark of beast out of the realm of fiction into the realm of possibility and probability.

Likewise the creation of the modern state of Israel and their plans to rebuild the temple are a confirmation that we are on the time line heading to the rapture.

This pastor really brings the Book of Revelation to life.

I wish you would have led with the direct allegation that I was slandering God by claiming he will torture souls for eternity. But thanks for bringing that up.

Again, I'm not really interested in the "rapture" idea. I think it's escapism.

I'm sorry if you think I wasn't being straight forward with you about slandering God's character. I thought I was. I said your view was that God tortured people for eternity like a dozen times... I didn't know there was an exact phrase I was supposed to use.