
Well, there's the flood. But if you take that as literal, you got to take the statements that the "whole earth was corrupt" and that "every intention of man was only evil, continually" seriously. The rest of the civilizations were actually destroyed by other agents. Nations, Angels, The Destroyer... But yeah, that's still a problem.

The question is, what is God like? Is God like the OT diety that kills people, or is God like Jesus, who said to pray for your enemies, forgive 70 times 70, bless those who curse you, turn the other cheek... He also said that if you have seen Him, you have seen the Father.

The way I take it is that the Old Testament prophets were only able to give us glimpses of God. They weren't able to give us the full revelation of His character, but Jesus did. Hebrews 1 says that Jesus is the "radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being." Exact. That means that God's character is exactly like Jesus'.

Even if you want to stick to the guns and say that God killed all those people, you still don't have eternal torment. You have at best an ending of life, with still the resurrection in the future to set things right. There's no torture, and there's always a purpose.