in #religion7 years ago


Dear Steemians,

You must not fail your family and here is why......

We all know family is everything, they are part of who we are in life. There is nobody on earth that does not belong to a family.

Family is a group of people affiliated either by consanguinity (by recognised birth), affinity (by marriage or other relationship) or co-residence.

This simply means, family is not only those you are related to by blood. You can find a family anywhere, because of the connection you have with the person(s) for example:

i You could find a connection with your colleague(s) at your place of work
ii Your church members
iii Your teacher(s) or fellow student
iv Your friends
v Your neighbors
vi Even the man on the street

The family is the foundational institution of the society ordained by God. As a Christian, God is interested in your family and how you handle them. He has also designed the role every member of the family ought to play

Colossians 3: 18-21 "Wives, sumbit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord,
19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be embittered against them.
20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this is pleasing in the Lord.
21 Fathers, do not provoke your children, so they will not become disheartened"

This is part of our responsibility not to fail in this given task. God expects us to give in our best in taking care of them.

1 Timothy 5:8 "Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever"

You can not claim to be a believer yet, you're not in good terms with those you call family. There must be a balance, your family should come first after God.

As a parent, you must start early to teach your kid(s) the ways of the Lord, teach them be to civil and respectful. You're doing this not just to fulfil God's task of raising godly children, but it will also give you peace of mind and make it easier for you to serve God.

If your family is in disarry, your service to God will definitely be in the same state, that is why we must not fail in those responsibilities given to us by God. Not putting your family in order can hinder you from preaching to others especially those around you.


Image: Getty Images

"Charity they say begins at home"

The physical family is very vital in building the human society, so protect and nurture it, but let's not also forget a more important family, that we must not fail which is the new birth in Christ Jesus. This is made up of all believers, those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Master. This is a family that can be found amongst every tribe, language, people and nation.

Ephesians 1:5 "He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will"


Image: Google

In conclusion, there is a proverb in my place that says "A man whose house is on fire does not go hunting for a rat" Simply put, those you call family have a strong influence over your life, and if they are not properly cared for, will definitely affect your relationship with God. We do not want to be like Eli in the bible who failed in his duty to raise godly children.

1 Samuel 1:13 "The sons of Eli knew not the Lord"

That is why we must create time for family, chastise them, pray for them, guide them,provide for them and make them happy. Most importantly, do not be too tired to listen and always be there for them. Let your family see you as a person of integrity, trustworthy and Godfearing in that way way, it would be easier to figure out any problem and fix it.

1st Image: 123RF

Thank you for reading and stopping by!!!

God bless you all!!!



First time I see this word...
And this saying is brand new too (for me):

"A man whose house is on fire does not go hunting for a rat"

Enjoying your posts!

Thank you for stopping by

Some family are messed up sis.

They just don't mess up out of the blues....the problem might have started somewhere. It's important you know core family values so you can start immediately with your kids.

Well said. The family unit is the first point for everyone and failing there means theres the risk of failing elsewhere.

Thank you for reading and contributing dear