Accepting Steem for my physical book - Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon & The Bible

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

$14.95 +shipping on Amazon, so $19.47 Steem or Steem Power

Or $20 if that's confusing - 1947 is the year of the Roswell Incident, so I'm just being poetic ;)

Me (Guy Malone) presenting the last portion of this book in Angelfire NM (as a paper) at the Alliance Studying Paranormal Experiences conference Sunday Sept 13, 2009. Lecture expanded for the Nashville TN, Last Days Conference April 24, 2010. Final (?) draft presented during the July 2010 Roswell New Mexico UFO Festival

In 1997, 39 members of a "UFO Cult" by the name of Heaven's Gate committed mass suicide together...

Shockingly, they were told by their leaders (the alleged reincarnations of Jesus Christ and "The Father") that the Bible somehow gave them the instructions to kill themselves in order to board a UFO "hiding behind the comet Hale-Bopp" - which was indeed passing by the earth at the time...

I have always maintained that while I believe in their right to believe what they believe (and even teach it publicly), I also have the right to disagree. There's obviously no simple way to describe my book's entire content here (see more at, but cutting to the chase, in 1997 I began a webpage in hopes of reaching those who might likewise be taken in by such teachings.

I also "came out of the closet" (so to speak) in 1997, and detailed my own personal childhood experiences of visitations (abductions?) as well.

That page got linked from (the original Coast-to-Coast AM host) and "took off". I finally published it all as a book - pictured below - which has been out of print for many years.

I then moved from Nashville TN to Roswell NM, as a strange sort of missionary (self-supporting mostly - I wait tables for a living still today). It's been a strange career (!) with many hit and miss successes since then.

In addition to public lectures and conferences that I've organized (see 2015 saw the new release of my book's "anthology version" 286 page update. The new version contains the entire text and powerpoints (the pictures above) from two lectures I am known for, since moving to Roswell. I've even been paid by The City of Roswell to present one of them ("Roswell 1947 : What Really Happened?") during the UFO Festival.

That lecture, the original book, and much more are all included in the 2015 version, offered here today ; the two videos can be viewed at 

Read the Amazon reviews on the $40 Full-color version here, and note that the Black & White edition (which I'm offering here, for Steem) are the exact same but color costs WAY more to print - there are over 100 images in the book in fact :

 ($39.95 on Amazon for color, $14.95 B/W.)

But Amazon doesn't sign them!

Like so many of us today, I'm committed to Steem/Steemit and want to do what I can to see the platform continue to grow and flourish. As a non-profit, I am (this account is) in a unique position to take some risk by offering you my physical book (shipping included) for Steem, without worrying so much about taxation and other issues while the platform develops. I've given away many copies of the book(s) over the years anyways, as well as DVDs via PayPal on a name-your-own-price donations basis for that matter.

So, the non-profit "Roswell Mission" will take the financial risk of sending the books and paying postage (media mail) and just hope that being reimbursed in Steem will pan out in the long run. But since this page cannot be edited after 30 days, and Roswell Mission can only afford to send so many books, lets just say this

OFFER ENDS OCTOBER 31st, 2017 (or sooner, if edited).

Ready? Send $19.47 Steem or Steem Power, you choose!

(Or more) ... to support Roswell Mission, and receive your BLACK & WHITE version of "Come Sail Away With Me" (2015 anthology edition of Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon & The Bible) sent via Media Mail, signed by Guy Malone ( @ibringawareness - personal account). 

Unfortunately I must disclose that the actual cover of the books printed much more darkly than the digital image shown on Amazon - in short the alien face doesn't show very well (not at all unless you're really looking for it), but hey, it's still a good read ;)

PayPal is also accepted ($19.47 or more) via [email protected] 

Check or money orders accepted as well ($19.47 B/W, $40 Full Color; prices include shipping via media mail) to

Roswell Mission  P.O. Box 2786  Roswell NM 88203
Visit in person at my local friend's shop anytime 127 N Main St, Roswell NM
and maybe come see us at the 2017 Roswell UFO Festival

All donations welcomed of course, but only donations of $19.47 or more will receive a mailed book. So if you have the knowledge/ability already, just send straight from your wallet to 


(or use PayPal / Mail Order if you prefer).

Thank you, and keep on Steeming!


I have the color version. I started reading it and need to finish when I get a free moment:-0 Maybe during my trip to Buffalo NY. :-) It's an interesting side of the UFO conversation.

This is cool, but you might get a lot more traction if your name wasn't a sacred word for god. There are those who are going to feel like you're being blasphemous or sacrilegious and those are the ones you are probably trying the hardest to reach.

Thanks - Daniel 7:9, etc, of course! It's quite intentional actually (and yet you say that as if many Christians even know that, haha). The original conference that started this all is - where God's word is represented to the UFO community that makes Roswell their Mecca annually. They kind of have a thing for those fiery chariots, thrones with wheels ablaze, Ezekiel 1, and so on. They are who I'm trying to reach, the un-religious.
Point taken however, as I'm thinking you meant from a marketing standpoint of just selling books to Christians tho, which has never been a huge priority to me. Except for equipping, but our DVDs are all free online anyways. Since I own the url as well however, I"m thinking that will be my primary marketing url for the 2017 conference (6 speakers already booked) instead of Ancient of Days this time around .. best of both words maybe?
Thanks greatly for the input and reaching out, but given that I put UFOs and The Bible in the same sentence, I've found that I'm pretty much "damned if I do, damned if I don't" no matter what course of action I ever take!

Congrats for the book and thanks for using the #usesteem tag :D -- @develcuy