VIDEO "Creation Theology vs The Dark Side of Panspermia" (I.E., WHAT IF we were created by Aliens?) by Dr Michael Heiser PhD

in #religion8 years ago (edited)


... loosely defined, is the idea that life on earth originated "elsewhere" and was somehow replicated here (see the Wikipedia article and/or other links referenced below).

There are two major possibilities on how this might have occurred - IF it did, of course :

1) On "accident" (i.e., meteorites containing spores, bacteria, or other micro-organisms "randomly" crashing into our planet, and then "spreading" and "evolving" into "life as we know it" today).

Or - and for our purposes here

2) On "purpose" a.k.a. "directed panspermia" (i.e., starting with the unproven assumption(s) that
a) life "exists elsewhere" and that
b) these "aliens" have mastered space travel, and
c) they chose to either bring or create life - including humans - on earth).

If this is true, what does it mean? Are we therefore "property"? Are we their slaves? 

Dr. Michael Heiser, PhD  first asked and answered these - and many other - questions in the following lecture, filmed in Roswell New Mexico in July 2004 at the Ancient of Days UFOs and The Bible conference. Start watching now, and/or continue reading for a bit more. 

While he does not believe the premise himself, Mike assumes (for the sake of argument) that extraterrestrials DID in fact create humanity. From there, he postulates the practical implications of what that means to us as a species, comparing/contrasting these results with the "more traditional" biblical and monotheistic creation story.

The second possibility gained ground in one respect in academic circles, by popularly challenging the "creation account" of biblical Christianity - yet also taught under the label of "Intelligent Design" (in public schools for instance : 

“Children in Ohio may be taught life was created by aliens under an education package designed to ditch Darwin’s Theory of evolution...'" Herald Sun, Columbus Ohio, March 2002)

No surprise, this second possibility is also the claim of various religious or semi-religious groups

Original 1998 title and book cover of the Raelian Religion's intro/primer book "The True Face of God" - but Raelians prefer today to lead with / offer the book "Intelligent Design : Message from the Designers" - both authored by Rael, as it's "less controversial" (at least that's what one told me when I let them use my building in Roswell for a lecture..).

The idea of Panspermia is given a slightly different twist by modern authors Erich von Daniken and Zechariah Sitchin, both of whom’s books have sold in the double-digit millions. Their ideas are that ancient archeology and texts prove that primitive man had our DNA “tweaked” by races from the stars, resulting in homo sapiens, and that most ancient marvels (such as the Pyramids of Egypt) can be attributed to their intervention.
(Excerpt from an original article I posted years ago - gm)

Dr Heiser's presentation (video above) is tuned largely to address the claims popularized by Zechariah Sitchin...

... but is of course applicable to many "Streams" of Directed Panspermia theology. Enjoy and comment - I'm off to church right now, but I look forward to your replies, and plan to add a few more links to this article as well later today or tonight. Also, Dr. Heiser has agreed that he will retur to Roswell NM for our July 2017 "Ufos and The Bible" conference - details TBA, hope to see you here!

Yours because His,

The above video was filmed on location in Roswell New Mexico at the Ancients of Days UFOs & Abductions Conference 

View the entire collection of "UFOs & The Bible" conferences, recorded during annual July 4th "Roswell UFO Festival" weekends and posted online for completely free viewing on the ARHQ YouTube Channel. Lecture videos are available on at

All videos are copyright respective speakers, Guy Malone, Roswell Mission and/or Alien Resistance HQ, and MAY be freely downloaded and/or reproduced and shared at no charge for personal viewing and/or redistribution; re-sale prohibited. 

Follow @ancientofdays now for many more videos and articles to come, as well as details of July 2017's Ancient of Days conference. YOUR UPVOTES will help to pay for future conference expenses (such as airfare for proposed speakers, etc).


Here's a Sound Poem I made that deals with this subject

Your video should come with 3D glasses! Thanks for posting, followed. On the lookout for original music for my podcast.

After witnessing my own personal UFO sightings, I have decided we live on their zoo. Or more precisely, living dna and lifeform depository. It was the size and speed of the flying objects that made me say to myself, hmmmm...