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RE: The evolution of Adam - Who is Adam

in #religion8 years ago

After Allah created the earth, the heavens and the angels, Allah Almighty creates other beings to fill and nourish the earth as his home. Have you ever thought, who was the first creature created by Allah Almighty? Yes the answer is Adam. Want to know the story of Adam as and Eve? Come on, see! Adam as is the father of all humans and the first creatures that Allah created. (Adam in Arabic means land, human or light brown). Adam was created from a lump of earth and breathed on him some of His spirit so that he could move and become a perfect human being. Allah Almighty teaches him all things about the names of plants, animals, things and everything on earth, then Allah Almighty commanded the angels to bow to him without exception the devil was ordered to prostrate to him.

When all heavenly beings are asked to prostrate for Allah's majesty, but the devil does not obey it. Because, the devil feels more noble and great. Upon the pride of the devil, Allah drove out and expelled him from heaven. And Allah swt guarantees eternal and eternal demons as eternal dwellers of hell. Satan arrogantly accepts the punishment and vows to trick Adam and his grandchildren from all directions to leave the straight path and walk the wrong path with him.


To be more precise, Adam is the first man created, and is made in the image of God. GODcovenant is, or an understanding of the progression of covenants between God and Man. is as a Father. This is the only way @Gavvet's childhood imagery works. Humans are the children and God is the Father. Islam does not see it this way at all. In Islam, God is so far removed from all of creation that it is an insult to consider Him a Father, or us His family members. But Islam does not have a mature conception what a