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RE: Entropy vs Christ (A scientific basis for Jesus Christ Part II)

in #religion9 years ago

I can attest to the power of Christ. My life completely turned around the minute I acknowledged him. Opportunities presented themselves. Certain truths were revealed to me. And people I never expected came into my life. Now I feel his presence every day. And whenever I have needed anything, he has always been there to provide it in 1 form or another. The difference now is I see his work, and I am grateful in advance for it all ....


You might get a kick out of this post, then.

Awesome to hear Jesus still working miracles through the Holy Ghost today. Me too, am just a product of his Grace. Me and my family are so blessed and Jesus gets all the praise for that.

With regards to Science and Religion, my point of view is simple. God (the Holy Trinity) created the Universe and all that exists. Thus, God created Science, it is how everything fits together. One cannot remove the one from the other. Simple.

I agree with you. For me it is almost impossible to see the complexity with which even a single cell is made up of and the ways our body works in unison and not believe that there was intelligent design. Could I be wrong? Of course, but if I were to find a watch in the middle of the forest I wouldn't think that nature just put it together. Nature causes entropy and disorder. For dust and cells to somehow turn into the beings we are today is just too large a stretch of the imagination for me.

this is called anecdotal evidence

To the outside observer, certainly.

There is also something known as a 'body of evidence'.

It is subjective since I'm the observer in some of the experiences, but there is a body of evidence around the results of prayer and faith in something greater than oneself.

The body of evidence is that prayer is not effective

The only body of evidence that could be linked to prayer working could just as easily be explained as positive thinking and the placebo effect.

The concept of measuring "effective prayer" is flawed. God is not a vending machine. The vast majority of things asked for in prayer are not in accordance with God's will or His knowledge of what is good for His children. Do a similar study for the number of child requests for candy that get fulfilled by responsible parents. Are those childish requests a good test of whether it is worthwhile for a child to request things from a parent?

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

"Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! -- Matthew 7:7-11

With a dose of confirmation bias.

Yes I understand what you are saying. Your own personal testimony is something that cannot be disputed. What Christ means to you is not dependent on anything but your relationship with him. That's why sharing what you have gone through and your personal testimony should not be offensive to anyone. It is spoken out of love to others and not hate. Christians can disagree with others without hating them. The media portrays Christians as a judgmental group of people, and they do have a point. Some people do see others not following their beliefs to be morally inferior.

But God preached about love and Jesus was friends with tax collectors and prostitutes. He didn't love what they were doing, but the person behind all of the things they were doing.

It is a rare site that allows people with strong religious beliefs and those with no interest in that at all to be able to dialogue and listen to one another.

One side isn't stupid or lesser than the other, we just have different perceptions from our experiences in life.

"Your own personal testimony is something that cannot be disputed."

But also can't be confirmed or verified by the person experiencing it. There is also no reason for anyone else to believe it was anything more than a hallucination. We know the human mind is susceptible to seeing things that aren't there.

Absolutely. People receive enlightenment in a variety of ways. Some like @rok-sivante had his eyes opened by an ayuwasca experience.

It is our freedom to share and others freedom to accept or reject what we may tell them. But even a dream can open someone's eyes and change their life.

Hebrews 11:1 (BBE) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the sign that the things not seen are true.

Everything can't be proven, but some things that cannot are commonly accepted. I believe we should question everything along with our experiences and come to our own conclusion.

"Everything can't be proven" Can you prove that? ;)