Simply Words

in #religion8 years ago

We have heard many of times that words can hurt. From the time of being children to the adult life and the age of old, words can cause a lifetime of damage. However, everyone will not treat you with the kindness that you have believed you should have. However, it has seemed to be observed that most hurtful words come from hurtful places in a hurtful past. Too often, we pay for the hurt of someone else that was not even our doing or our actions. But, there is a way to be free from the oppressing and bondage of words. Offense is normal; however it does not have to be your life. Do not always be emotional, but instead recognize the person, the perspective, and the position you are in to teach him or her through patience to be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath (James 1v19 KJV). Remove yourself from under the oppression of every thought and word someone else displays to you and slow remove the offense of what is said. Return back to the speak words of love and encouragement through anger and bitterness. You must begin to remember, it is not truly you that caused the hurt but the previous disappointments and failures of those they encountered before you. Be free from the words of others and live the life of encouragement to the same offenders. This may be difficult, but it’s better to have two free than one.