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RE: Turns out God is real and Jesus might be too...

in #religion3 years ago

We have a weird science fetish going on... scientifically trying to prove/disprove God.

But even when faced with a 1 in 20 trillionths chance that the universe just 'banged' into being with all the forces perfectly balanced, "scientific" atheists still hold firm to there being no proof of God.

And this is the way the earth was set up.
You have free will to believe in God or not.

Here is a mathematical proof that you cannot prove God exists

So, you say there is a "chair".
We define chair, such that all things in the universe can be divided into chair and not-chair.
The not-chair is just as important in showing that a chair exists.

But, with God, God is in everything, is everywhere.
There is nothing in this universe that is not-God.

Since there is nothing outside of the "God set", then no proof can be made.
You are left with the outcome
God is in everything and everywhere
God doesn't exist.

But the really neat thing is you can search for and find God.
You can create a relationship with God that is very real.
(however, subjective experience is not science... is what the atheist-scientists say)


The difficult thing, in my opinion, is to reconcile a god that controls all things with a god that gives you control, free will. It might not be possible to prove god mathematically, but it was math that led me to recognize there was something I wasn't seeing...even after having seen so much.

What merit is there in telling people that there is a god that answers? Life is very stressful when you think you're on your own.

People are great, they teach us a bunch and help us at times, but they are also full of fear and make a lot of mistakes. But god appears to have a handle on things, even if it doesn't seem like it all the time, and not feeling like we have to figure everything out can give us more room to think more clearly.