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RE: Religion and war. what is your opinion?

in #religion9 years ago

I would say that if your religion spites wars and hate between groups of people, perhaps its not the best religion to follow. Religion, and spirituality are suppose to be peaceful, encourage love and acceptance. Any religion that is tied in with war I would think its a radicalized version of the original. Of course, every religion isn't perfect and have outdated practices but essentially the only "religion" that encourages negativity in its followers is something like satanism. idk. These are just my 2 cents.


the religion that deceives and promotes hatred, look at the example

as could someone supposedly religious discriminates against another for being of a different race?

the Bible teaches us to be peaceful and to love and respect all, it is a wonderful book that comes from God.
sometimes religions and philosophies teach part used only a small part of the Bible, not all.