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RE: Entropy vs Christ (A scientific basis for Jesus Christ Part II)

in #religion8 years ago

What bothers me a lot when these topics come up is how firmly people plant their feet on either side of the issue. @gavvet I enjoyed your post. I love science and am a believer, I have never seen why one needs to be right over the other. Thank you for the share


so you must believe in the non overlapping magisteria to believe in both science and religion

I read a little into it before answering as I have not heard that term used before. I will have to read more to respond to that fully. One line caught my eye though.... "Truth Cannot Contradict Truth". Without the details, I had a moment of truth spiritually. It was defining and very real even if I couldn't quantify it to another person. I am also in love with science and finding answers, in other words, truth. Now, I am not heavily involved on either side and their organizations. I wonder if this has left me free to form my own opinions, or maybe it just kept me from entering an area of social pressure where your pressured to pledge allegiance to one side over the other (how it seems to me). I will read that further though as I just love information :)

Cognitive dissonance is the problem most people run into when trying to reconcile the glaring contradictions between the claims made by religion and the observations presented to us through science. Most usually solve the problem by sticking to the science as truth and then explaining away the contradictory divine claims as metaphors.

Redefining god as an abstract placeholder that could just as easily be the non-sentient universe is the path I see most take. They say they believe in the god of the bible but have warped it their own desires to reconcile the cognitive dissonance.

As someone who was never pressured into believing in religion I find it quite fascinating the lengths people will go to in order to hold on to beliefs they know to be false yet identify with so heavily.