I remember back then when I was in high school, our teacher discussed the two different subjects that most people thought opposite from each other. Most likely in terms of giving factual information based on concrete shreds of evidence. And that science will always have a counter-proposition on every fact that the religion can give and can further explain it's manner of occurring. So in the middle of the discussion, our teacher asked us what would be our own views about the relationship between the two subjects, the science and the religion. As far as I remember, this was my answer:
Science is simply the fact and Religion will always serve as the proof for the existence of that fact.
And honestly, I don't know how did I come up with that answer. I just had something in my mind before, way beyond my understanding of existence and changes in life. There is always this energy present in every action that takes place. An energy that the science can explain in a way where a human being can digest easily and backed by the religion at the same time. By the way, I got the highest rating for that one simple answer.
The Bible as a Pile of Proofs
I can say that one of the best examples that can be considered as a solid proof that science and religion aren't different from one another is the concept of medication. But, there are many reasons why people think medical science is different from religion that is purely based on one's faith. However, there are other people who believe that when you trust both sciences of medication, that God will help you heal your illness. There would be a high possibility that you will recover from an acute to severe illnesses.
In the present time, events have already occurred many times that affect people's beliefs about science and religion. They have thought that the two are unified in the field of medication. These things are just bits of proof. Little they know, they have to know more from the past that is written before Christ, that could satisfy their belief about the huge amount of wisdom in the Bible.
Let me discuss this medical knowledge that is written in the Bible. This is some kind of a health tip that came from the book of Daniel. Daniel is a prophet and known to be as a strong believer of God. His strong faith in God made him even more famous for being thrown by King Nebuchadnezzar into a room full of lions and escaping without any single scratch. But do you know that Daniel made a proposal to the King? A medical statement that seeks to convince the King. He then successfully proven that for someone to have a healthier and stronger body, he/she must choose the vegetarian diet over meaty diet.
Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see.” So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days. At the end of the ten days, Daniel and some companion looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. Daniel 1:12-15
But it is fun to think that although Daniel has proven this way back 2000 years or more ago, still, experts in the present run tests after tests just to prove something factual and similar to the conclusion fabricated by Daniel. But it is also sad to know that those were all done at the expense of money, time and energy being wasted.
Faith as a Reinforcement
There's so much wisdom written in the Bible about medical knowledge that is way beyond our understanding as ordinary people. Some people may think they perceive some things differently than what others understand plainly. That is where the concept of conflict butts in. But here's another one - pieces of medical phrases that are easy to comprehend.
Honor the physician with the honor due him, according to your need of him, for the Lord created him; for healing comes from the Highest, and he will receive a gift from the king. Sirach 38: 1-2
From those statements alone, I can say that science as a whole is the extension of God's healing power and that doctors and experts behind medical expertise are considered to be present prophets. It's something to do with believing into an event to happen, faith to be exact. But let us not forget that people must also seek welfare from latter-day science and innovations were to be treated as basic changes in any field where science and religion are both in harmony.
There are scientific pages of the Bible and those are the blueprint for a healthy life that God has given to us.
Images from Pixabay
If you enjoyed this post, follow @themanualbot
God bless you for this great inspiration.
One thing I find interesting about bible (the word of God) is that it can be teached from different angle of all the professions of the earth.
A mathematician can teach Bible mathematically that's is the significant of all the numbers in the Bible
A scientist will also teach the same bible scientifically and that is they call Him omniscient
A farmer like myself with teach it agriculturally. Well God is a farmer, he started the creation as a farmer...smile
I can conclude your teaching by saying nothing is new under the heaven, all the new discoveries have their roots in the old but ever new word of God.
You can't separate the two if you have the understanding of how they work.
Naturally, God has provided everything we need and will ever need by creating them, while the science help us to discover them by taking the to lab, do all sort of analysis and come up with why A is preferred over B.
If you can eat right, their is tendency for you not to fall sick at all, it is both Biblically and scientifically proven.
Glad to have God's word in the community, God bless you richly.
The word of God is full of wisdom and thought. Anyhow, a person may misunderstood what's in the context of each word. He/She must have guidance. :)
The letter killeth, but the spirit gives understanding.
Reading the letter without the interpretation of the Holy Spirit can be as confusing as confusion itself.
Everything is in the word, it is the glory of God to hide a thing, but the honor of a king to search it out.
Preach.... Preacher
The Holy Spirit was sent to teach us ALL things. All we need do is trust in His knowledge.
Nothing added and nothing subtracted.
HalleluYah הַלְּלוּיָהּ Shalom..🕎
Yes indeed, one will then know when to take a lesson literally or in a figurative way.
Love your point on mathematicians being able to teach in their language. I focused on that in my post today, but kept it to that. Not as much content as this great article.
Statements of science and religious statements also have an irreconcilable language because each statement serves a different function in human life and tries to answer different problems.
Dialogue is the third approach. Dialogue attempts are made by comparing the methods of these two fields, which can show similarities and differences. For example, conceptual models and analogies can be used to describe things that can not be directly observed, such as God or subatomic particles. Scientists and clerics are dialogue partners in doing critical reflection on science and religion topics while respecting each other's integrity.
The fourth approach is integration. Some scientists and scholars seek to find common ground between science and religion. In natural theology, for example, it has been known about the scientific evidence of the existence of God. Astronomers, for example, argue that the physical constant in the universe seems to be designed so carefully. If the rate of expansion of the universe a second after the Big Bang is a little smaller (than is now known), the universe will collapse before the chemical elements necessary for life are formed.
Barbour's model of science and religion relations is not the only approach. Some other names propose a slightly different approach with more complicated models. It can be said that Barbour's model allows us to understand possible relationships between science and religion. Although he focuses on the Christian tradition, Barbour believes that the examples of the four categories of relationships can be found in other great religious traditions.
Thank you, your post is always interesting to read, because a lot of science in it.
You should sure try to make this into a post. Wow so detailed and understandable. Weldone
Lol "Big Bang" I watch that show of faux scientist. Shalom
Let me first point out that religion and science have many similarities. Unless God pops down from Heaven to kindly prove his existence for us, religious beliefs cannot be proven to be true; they are taken on faith. Some scientists may find this laughable, but science has the identical characteristic, which is also its greatest strength. By and large, scientific theories can never be proven to be correct. Evidence can be gathered in support of it, but we can never know with 100 percent certainty if gravity actually works the way we think. Sure, general relativity describes it well, but as so many professors emphasize here, our scientific theories are models. We continuously refine those models as new information comes to light. Less commonly known is that religions do the same thing. The beliefs of a religion are re-examined and refined as time passes and new knowledge is attained. In fact, some religions, such as Catholicism, gather groups of its members periodically for that explicit purpose.
While both disciplines gather evidence, it might be argued by some that the evidence in science is a lot more solid than that in religion. After all, science has the ability to measure things quantitatively, but religion cannot measure how much of the “God Field” is manifest in a church. Even so, religions have also gathered evidence; it’s just a different kind, taking the form of texts, claims of miracles, and other personal evidence. Some find that evidence compelling enough to form a belief, others do not. Is that so different from science? Today, there an infinite number of universes, one for each possible state as Many-Worlds claims? It is not the evidence in science or religion that is in question — it’s what people make of it. It’s the interpretations that split them into Jews and Muslims, Interpretation and believers of the Many-Worlds hypothesis. Each interpretation of the religious evidence throughout history that has spurned the creation of so many different sets of beliefs is a unique faith. Similarly, each interpretation thing more, and nothing less, than a faith.
What of so-called “miracles”? Many religions use such events as evidence to support religious claims, yet walking on water is not supported by science. But science has not presented any evidence in direct conflict to the claim that an all-powerful being could not change the rules locally or utilize some force that we do not yet understand to perform the miracle. This is in important contrast to claims that are held onto despite being in direct conflict with science and capable of being proved impossible, such as the creation of the world a few thousand years ago. Miracles are an example of one of the elements of religion that science has nothing to say about, just like religion has nothing to say about general relativity.
I agree with you that religion and science doesn't not actually contradict one another to some extent, it is the belief and most especially people perception base on individual faith and religion. I believe religion and science have many similarities. And because of the diversity of people belief In one religion or the other it is only if God through it angle desend down from Heaven to kindly prove his existence for us, religious beliefs cannot be proven to be true; they are taken on faith. Some scientists may find this laughable, but science has the identical characteristic, which is also its greatest strength. By and large, scientific theories can never be proven to be correct. To me I never once question such whether or not religious and science ever contradict each other. But the thing is we never find answers to all the questions posted by the people to the Bible and our spiritual man always say they were divine and nobody could question that authority, God is for real.
I'm really happy that you used your experience right from high school days to back up your point which made it more simplied.
And the fact that you hold on to health with absolute reference to some part of the Bible is so cool of you. I had more new things derived from it. Majority of the wordings in the Bible is beyond ordinary people understanding to me since it involves us more to be of the spirit being in order to understand more of the Bible, if someone is actually reading the Bible as a novel, that is absolutely no way there won't be questions which will be difficult to find answers to from the person reading which could actually cause second thought, thanks for this awesome and wonderful insiping message of yours.
Never has. never will Yahweh made everything SHALOM ALEICHEM
First of all, I say welcome on board to @communitycoin, @themanualbot I am happy to read from you.
This is sure coming from a great writer. Science and Faith have actually been literally contradicting each other according to the general belief and most times its because Scientists always try to prove what is not.
Scientists always try to dig out the already made works of God to proof some points. To me, I just feel they are only making us appreciate the works of God, the more.
For example, NatGeo Wild. If we don't watch those things on TV, we might never know some of these animals exists. But they always reveal them for us to appreciate God better.
Now about Medicine
You hit the point. So basically, I understand that Science and Faith works hand in hand, though God created everything but deposited the knowledge of bringing it forth in men. Hmmmmm
Fantastic observation @oredebby. We tend to appreciate more what science can deliberate. But that's okay, because only faith can explain what science can't.
Sureeeee... Only faith can.
God has created all we need. Science just brought out the knowledge about using them.
But only Faith can explain some depp things science cannot do.
I'm glad for the introduction of God's word too, we are moving towards a perfect community already.. Smile
Sure we are. I was looking forward to that part too. Thankfully we have it now.
There is need for spiritual food too, apart from the moral food we have been getting.
All working together for good.
No doubt about it. Taking natural food without the spiritual is like taking the urban diet. Hahahahha
Lolzzzz... B without BB
Bread without Blue band. Lol
Hahahahah, that's the point. Apart from the fact that it won't taste good, it also damage the health.
This is amazing. Another different view to this. Love it.
The Bible is all too detailed and general. It applies to every aspect and every field. Just like you rightly pointed out, the vegetarians can have their pick in there, farmers like me can, and i have the story of Jacob to point to, in that respect.
The Bible is all detailed and applicable to all areas of life, and that is why Science is an enhanced proof of God. The more science digs for us, the more we keep seeing the wonders of God. Yes, God gives healing, but He has put the idea and the know-how into the hearts of men.
I really enjoyed this varying view and you have done great justice to this. Fantastic.
I like how you transverse the story more into interesting yet true ideas. And yes, the bible is too broad and it has all the stories in all walks of life including the revelation or the future. I'm glad that you like it.
I absolutely love it. I love your depth. Thank you so much for your kind words.
Religion and Science are very compatible, although sometimes religion is based on faith(the unseen) while science deals with facts. I know this because I belong to both categories- I'm a scientist(Biologist), and a Christian as well. I believe most people who claim that the two are incompatible are usually people with knowledge in only one field. However, once understanding is developed cogently in both field, it is the n we realizee the two are not so different. Very informative article. Kudos
Hmmmmm... A Scientist and a Christian. This just reminded me of a scientist friend. He never wants to hear anything about God. He believes all things just came to be.
I'm happy to see how you can combine the two together without any clash whatsoever.
Thank you for your appreciation.
I find it interesting that some of the greatest scientific minds of all times belonged to people who (let alone religion) believed in God himself. In fact a lot of them were humble enough to admit that our knowledge was vastly incomplete and only with time we would be able to take look at the bigger picture.
These kind of facts, when they come from people who shaped the very nature of modern science should give pause to all of us.
I am always so happy seeing great Scientist also believing in God. It makes the world a better and peaceful place.
Science and Religion, A solid proof why the two don't contradict each other,
One way to distinguish between science and religion is the claim that science concerns the natural world, whereas religion concerns both the natural and the supernatural. Scientific explanations do not appeal to supernatural entities such as gods or angels (fallen or not), or to non-natural forces (like miracles or karma ). For example, neuroscientists typically explain our thoughts in terms of brain states, not by reference to an immaterial soul or spirit.
Yea boss!
Science only explains physicals and some unphysicals like gasses, it doesn't explain supernaturals or spirits
These are true facts
Religion and science are best contrary facts when it come to comparison
These two talks about same subject , same object, but absolutely different views. Thanks for the enlightenment @themanualbot
Yea..... Exactly the same thing but from different view. Like I said, God has created all we need. Science just brought out the knowledge about using them.
Yes science is knowledge We gather here in the world while religion is what human being believe in
I didn't see where they contradict each other but too much science knowledge of some scientists cause why they don't believe in religions or even if God exists
They help each other,anything happening in world can be search the reason in the holy Books and will be found!
It is true that scientists take certain things on faith. It is also true that religious narratives might speak to human needs that scientific theories can’t hope to satisfy. @communitycoin
The Bible is the greatest book ever compiled in my opinion. It holds a lot of relevant wisdom still used till today.
A lot of things we do today have their origins traced to religion. We who believe know that science is simply another way of God's manifestation of his wonders through man
Yep, I consider it too as the most interesting story a book has. :)
I believe that science is God's gift to man to use as a tool for exploring His creation
Wow so short but beautifully wrapped up.
Our brain and its effectiveness is sure a special gift from God.
God created everything and made it all ready, but gave the Scientists the ability to dig out more for us to appreciate His works better.
Let me first point out that religion and science have many similarities. Unless God pops down from Heaven to kindly prove his existence for us, religious beliefs cannot be proven to be true; they are taken on faith. Some scientists may find this laughable, but science has the identical characteristic, which is also its greatest strength. By and large, scientific theories can never be proven to be correct. Evidence can be gathered in support of it, but we can never know with 100 percent certainty if gravity actually works the way we think. Sure, general relativity describes it well, but as so many professors emphasize here, our scientific theories are models. We continuously refine those models as new information comes to light. Less commonly known is that religions do the same thing. The beliefs of a religion are re-examined and refined as time passes and new knowledge is attained. In fact, some religions, such as Catholicism, gather groups of its members periodically for that explicit purpose.
While both disciplines gather evidence, it might be argued by some that the evidence in science is a lot more solid than that in religion. After all, science has the ability to measure things quantitatively, but religion cannot measure how much of the “God Field” is manifest in a church. Even so, religions have also gathered evidence; it’s just a different kind, taking the form of texts, claims of miracles, and other personal evidence. Some find that evidence compelling enough to form a belief, others do not. Is that so different from science? Today, there an infinite number of universes, one for each possible state as Many-Worlds claims? It is not the evidence in science or religion that is in question — it’s what people make of it. It’s the interpretations that split them into Jews and Muslims, Interpretation and believers of the Many-Worlds hypothesis. Each interpretation of the religious evidence throughout history that has spurned the creation of so many different sets of beliefs is a unique faith. Similarly, each interpretation thing more, and nothing less, than a faith.
What of so-called “miracles”? Many religions use such events as evidence to support religious claims, yet walking on water is not supported by science. But science has not presented any evidence in direct conflict to the claim that an all-powerful being could not change the rules locally or utilize some force that we do not yet understand to perform the miracle. This is in important contrast to claims that are held onto despite being in direct conflict with science and capable of being proved impossible, such as the creation of the world a few thousand years ago. Miracles are an example of one of the elements of religion that science has nothing to say about, just like religion has nothing to say about general relativity.
Yes Brother. check this man out he knows his stuff about the Truth
SHALOM ALEICHEM Brothers and Sisters..smileHalf full... it's easy
Excellent read...I actually chose the exact same topic for my article this weekend. I like a lot of your ideas. Thanks!

interesante post. Dios da su conocimiento al hombre para dar vida , crear,producir y aunque en algunos casos no es reconocida su intervención, Dios esta en todo.