
We are all made clean in Christ. By his grace and our faith. He satisfied the law for us.

I had an epiphany one day and this was the result. Like a mental fog lifted and it suddenly became clear what the Grace of God really means and that I’m saved as a sinner simply by faith. I had to organize my thoughts and write it down. Here they are for what they are worth to you may be insignificant but truly a revelation to myself.

For years growing up in a church requiring performance of specific rituals and traditions being indoctrinated into believing that I had to strive to be perfect to go to Heaven, And only after all that work that God could still choose to revoke his promise that my faith in him is all I need; the Law of Faith; And the indoctrination that the only way to Heaven is if I’ve confessed and repented of all my sins and that I must partake of a sacrament on a regular basis. This often was very disheartening because I knew I wasn’t perfect and I know I’ll always be a sinner no matter how hard I try.

Christ made a promise to wipe away the records of our sins, all of them, by professing our faith in him. Period. Plain and Simple.

Living, A life of Constant regret and unwilling confessions and making the same human mistakes and being told I wasn’t repenting properly if I repeated the sin. It really ruins the faith, and creates mass arrogance and hypocrites in the congregation made up of People acting perfect all the time and wondering what’s wrong with me? Trying to be honest but can’t help myself from a drink or a smoke once and a while.

These faux Traditions are designed take away from Christ’s message of being saved by his grace. These faux traditions are telling us to put salvation into our own hands by our own power or in the hands or worse that I could do everyone I can do and still be rejected; ruins the faith in him.

I’m saved as a sinner.... admitting I’m a sinner and simply accepting his gift, worshiping him; glorifying him. In this fashion it will be impossible to lose faith in Christ. And now I want to do for him the things I felt forced to do before.

And it’s important to note that, the saved are saved but how will we be judged? This is the Epiphany. By our Good works. Our rewards in the afterlife are separate from salvation but should not be boasted about. Be humble and have charity in your heart was also a message from Jesus Christ.

And now I want to do for him the things I felt forced to do before. The spirit guides me now, whereas Before, I was often second guessing myself. Now I live by the spirit and look for confirmation of Epiphanies that come more often now as I grow in understanding of our purpose and mission in this life. To Love God and our Neighbors. How we do that is a personal matter but we cannot work our way into heaven without believing in him and the sacrifice he made for us. But we can gain the rewards in heaven that living a charitable life will bring us.