Note: The following statement belongs to myself (Jorge Clavellina) although my wife is fully aware of it and supportive of the situation, since we have the same general understanding of coronavirus and its implications.
Hello everyone!
Letter of May 7, 2022, updated on January 27, 2021
If you are reading this letter, you may be wondering what has happened to my youtube channel, my twitter account and in general all the work I have done for the last 8 years.
Well let me explain.
During the last 4 months, I have watched with great attention the development of the news about Coronavirus, since it started in China, and how it spread. Initially I thought it was just another virus, but some time later it started to spread, and finally, on March 17, 2020, I took the position (based on my research on the subject) that coronavirus was a serious, lethal disease and that it should be taken seriously.
Since March 17, 2020, I have tried to share this notion about coronavirus with Most Holy Family Monastery, which is the organization that I publicly supported since 2012 in this channel and other places.
But to my absolute surprise, after more than a month of sharing information on the subject, and fighting with people who follow the Dimond Brothers, I have realized that they countinue to believe the virus doesn't exist, is just a hoax, and I am on the road to hell for thinking that is a serious disease, therefore, I cannot, in good conscience, continue to support them publicly.
I have direct experience with this virus being real. I can't lie to myself, and follow a group of humans just because, for whatever reason, they don't want to accept reality.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the truth incarnate, and it would be an insult to his infinite majesty if I denied the facts, I simply cannot do it. And if it is necessary to discontinue and stop the work of almost a decade, for a serious issue like this, which is literally life or death, well, that's how it will be done.
I cannot support an organization that is capable of ignoring evidence (such as the shocking Guayaquil videos, just to mention an example) and that also has the audacity to try to impose a secular issue in conscience, as if it were required to believe that the virus does not exist, to be a good catholic.
That abuse of power, that corruption of ecclesiastical discipline, that reprehensible pride, must be absolutely rejected, for the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is impossible for me to understand that a group of monks refuse to see the evidence that continues to pile up every day, everywhere and in all countries (including the country of their citizenship, the United States) and that they have no interest in trying to refute the evidence that I personally have shared with Brother Peter Dimond.
I refuse to send people and traffic to a group of people who have the audacity of not caring about and have charity for the people who are suffering and dying from this disease. That lack of charity, should remain in them and in their close circle. I cannot support that behavior in any way.
Jorge Clavellina
Dimond Data
Also, I would recommend anyone watching this to subscribe to my channel on LBRY, if you sign up with my link you also get free crypto ($LBC)$/invite/@DimondData:0