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RE: BIBLE QUESTION: The Case of Jacob

in #religion7 years ago

Yes, if the Bible said it happened then it happened. However, I know that's not the answer you're looking for. I think back then the bride wore some type of facial covering on the wedding night. Second, there were no light switches so I'm sure it was pitch black. Third, I'm sure Laban instructed her to keep quiet. Fourth, men and women before marriage were not allowed to have much interaction so he may have not been very familiar with her mannerisms. And lastly, I'm sure the wedding feast involved a lot of drinking and I'll bet Laban made sure to hand Jacob a drink every time his hand was empty. Of course, I don't "know" any of this but this is my thoughts on how it could be possible.

  1. So the facial coverings were worn during sex?
  2. You mean she was silent throughout the sex?
  3. Why would you be so sure?
  4. Leah was not his plan. He worked for them for 7 years....try something else!
  5. Okay, i agree with that...

Modesty was a virtue back then. If you were found to have sex before marriage you could be stoned or kicked out of the family which is also a death sentence because a woman had no way to support themselves back then (other than prostitution). The only way to have a normal life as a woman was to be married and the only way to be married is if you were a virgin. (yes, they did ask for proof) If you were a woman and you allowed yourself to be alone with a man and things got heated or if he took advantage of you and told everyone it was consensual, either way, you've just literally ruined your life. So I'm quite certain that Rachel and Jacob were NEVER alone in the 7 years before marriage. To be caught alone with a man was to be labeled a whore. I'm sure he admired her from afar, she listened to him talk to her father, but that's about it. I'm quite sure Leah was so afraid of being an old maid (which was also a death sentence) that she went along with Laban's plans. It doesn't say that in the Bible but it's the only thing that makes sense. One more thing, if you think it's not possible for someone to be silent through sex with a man that's having sex for his first time ever then I think you watch too many movies. lol