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RE: The evolution of Adam - Partaking of the fruit and feeling naked

in #religion8 years ago

Ahhhh but why does the creator require their growth at all? Why not simply make them as desired from the start? Why make them innocent, create the circumstances for that innocence to be lost and then spend the rest of human history punishing the entire species for what was ultimately and entirely said Creator's idea?

If free will itself is the highest possible good (which is the only conclusion I can see that follows from the story as presented), then the only sin is to not act in accordance with one's free will.


Perhaps its not the Creator that requires their growth but the created that needs to experience the growth for themselves.

Experience is only gained by (dare I say it) experience.

One must taste the bitter to fully comprehend the sweet.

True Justice requires free will and accountability for actions, but with accountability come consequences, good or bad for the exercise of that free will.

We operate in an environment surrounded by laws and consequences.

It is in figuring out the nuances, that we are able to fly, yet without breaking the law of gravity.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

And that is the purpose of experience... Perspective and depth of character.

Character can only be developed by testing said character.

Not wise yet... still plenty to go and lots more pondering to do.

Born and raised in South Africa... you experience a lot of diversity if you want to.

 8 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

I got in early, it was easy then...

Yip, SA is unfortunately fast becoming the USA of Africa, but that's what wealth and the easy life chasing materialism brings.

Your culture shock series was great by the way, pity it didn't earn more, I loved it, all to easy to identify with these days.