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RE: Digitus Paternae Dexterae (Or Why Adam never Quite Touched God's Finger)

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

what happens when you escape gods maze? Does he let you touch his Godly finger?

I used to think the point of creation was that the entire universe was a giant algorithm for creating a new omnipotent entity. I figured maybe its how omnipotents get company -- or offspring.

Then thought about it some more and realized omnipotence either means exactly that or it doesn't. The only god worth worshipping is an omnipotent one; anything less is just a bad boss that you're trying to haggle into giving you a raise.

Not like that matters: an omnipotent wouldn't have had to create us in the first place.

As for touching the finger, maybe the great joke at the end is that we're supposed to pull it. The word endeth neither by bang nor by whimper but by silent-but-deadly fart.