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RE: Daily Bible Verses June 11

in #religion7 years ago

Cherrypicking to attempt to prove your point while not understanding the words you are posting serves no greater good. The verses you used talk about faith, trust, and loyalty in the God that created both of us, but the original question you posed was about a man that asks these things of us. If you cannot see the difference in that, then I cannot help you. Instead of trying to prove someone wrong with scripture; try asking yourself "why would God say that or ask that of His people", instead of assuming you are the all-wise that has the answers to everything. The one that created you knows more than you. That should be easy enough to understand. Either way, I hope and pray you find your way out of your own self-righteousness and see God for the loving, creator that He is.


I haven't cherry picked. Those verses are structurally critical to Christianity. They answer questions like why should I join, what happens if I leave, why should I try to convert others, what's the hurry and so on.

If I have cherry picked, you should be able to do the same and find verses that say the opposite. Show me verses which say only nonbelievers are saved. Or that the world will never end, or that you needn't give anything up to follow Christ, or that we should rely on reason to discern what is true.

You are reacting this way to what I wrote because a cult looks very different from the inside vs. from the outside. You're viewing it from the inside and cannot see things about it that I can from the outside.

This is why Mormonism seems like self-evident truth to Mormons but you, from outside of Mormonism, can see they are fooled. Likewise with Islam.