in #religion6 years ago

5 things are bonus to us by Allah, if only we can practice them.


1.Do you know that Prayers are never turned
down when done immediately after adzan before iqamah? Ask Allah all ur needs during this time, for, prayers are automatically accepted!

  1. Do you know where our sins are kept while in prayer? Sins are kept on our necks and shoulders and when we bow down to make the ruku' and Sujuds, they fall like how leaves fall down from trees. So stay long while in ruku' and sujud!

  2. Have you heard that a woman died and when her relatives visited her grave they felt an awesome fragrance coming out of her grave? They asked her husband and he said she recited Suratul Mulk every
    night while she was alive!

  3. Do you know that if u recite Ayatul Kursiyyu after every congregational prayer that there will be nothing that prevents u from jannah except death?

  4. Do you know that angels ask Allah to forgive us whenever we finish prayer? So please stay long after prayers, don't leave immediately! May Allah make this as Sadakatul-Jariya for me and may Allah accept my prayers in Tawassul with this act.