Catholic EOC Bishop explains What is the Law of Moses?

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

Hello, I am Bishop Fred Desharnais from the Ecumenical Order of Christ.

I touched on this subject last month when I spoke about why homosexuality was not a sin. As promised, I will now further explain what is The Law of Moses.

So, where does The Law of Moses stem from? They are all passages that are written within all 5 books of the Torah. As we all know, the Torah was passed down by God through Moses (like a form a channeling so to speak) and physically written by Moses.

It was later in the 3rd Century CE when certain passages within the Torah were later put in numerical form upon the creation of the Talmud by the Rabbis and Sages, resulting in a total of 613 Commandments. These 613 Commandments are known as The Law of Moses. I have provided a link that displays the 613 Commandments and from which passages within the Torah they stem from.


Now, are we all to follow the Law of Moses, are we all supposed to abide by the 613 Commandments? Well, yes and no.

When Lord RayEl addressed the world on May 21, 2011, he said one thing that was greatly misunderstood:
He said, "And to my faithful children, you are why I have returned. You are the reason I left the bliss of my Father's Heaven; to establish a new and everlasting Heaven for you. I am pleased that you have kept the faith this long; it has not been easy I know, yet I am deeply saddened by what has been done in my name."

"I freed you from the bondage of the Law of Moses, and replaced it with the law of love; so simple were my two commandments; love Our Father; love each other.

This part of his address was a message directed at the Christians of the world, those who are faithful to Christ. It was not directed towards the Jews, since they do not believe in him, so they are obviously not his "faithful children".

The "Laws of Moses" were given to the Jews as part of their covenant with God, so they could be as a nation of priests to him. The Gentiles were given no such covenant, and were never instructed by God to live under the Mosaic laws unless they were living with the Jews, and when Gentiles tried, they usually failed, so when Christ came 2000 years ago, he offered a path to salvation for the Gentiles (who eventually became known as "Christians") that they could adhere to. He boiled down Jewish law by saying:

Matthew 22:37-40

37 “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”
38 “This is the first and great commandment.”
39 “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
40 “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

Christians today refer to this as "The Great Commandment"
This is the same lesson Lord RayEl taught when he returned in 2011, instructing "Love God; love each other".

NOW THIS IS IMPORTANT... In our Lord’s 2011 world address, Lord RayEl said: "I freed you from the bondage of the law of Moses, and replaced it with the law of love", and many people assumed that he meant that he 'removed' the law of Moses by saying this, but he meant quite the contrary.

What Lord RayEl did was restore the Law of Moses by simplifying its understanding and practice; showing the world that the Mosaic Law is not constrictive, but instead liberating when practiced in its intended simplicity.

This is not speculation because 2000 years ago he said:

Matthew 5:17-18

17 "Do not think that I have come to revoke The Written Law or The Prophets; I am not come to revoke but to fulfill.
18 “Amen, I say to you that until Heaven and earth will pass away, one Yodh or one Taag will not pass away from The Written Law until everything will happen.”

So to clarify, the Law of Moses was given to the Jews as part of their covenant with God, and the specific laws found in Leviticus were intended for the Levitical priesthood. The "Great Commandment" given by Our Lord 2000 years ago, and repeated upon his return in 2011, is intended for everyone, except the Jews. The Jews are still bound to it, and it is referred to as doing ‘Mitzvot.’

Thank you everyone for listening, I urge you all to verify for yourself all the information the Ecumenical Order of Christ has gathered regarding Lord RayEl’s return to our world, and his teachings and clarifications since his return.

May God bless you in the name of the Father and His son Lord RayEl the Holy Spirit.


More Information:



The Law of Moses explained, very good sir. This explanation is something to be etched in the annuls of history!

Share the video teaching too, brother Fred! Chris worked really hard on that one =)

You spoke this video message so well on camera, I would have to agree with @abn. Thanks for sharing this important message on the Law of Moses, brother Fred.

Excellent teaching and post Brother

Great piece of work

It is always refreshing when people shed light to the true meanings within the stories of the bible!