More perspectives on living in a matrix

in #religion8 years ago

There have been a number of articles on steemit, in the last couple of months, speculation on the possibility that we live in some sort of metaphorical matrix.

I find this a very interesting metaphor… since I consider myself an immortal, spiritual, being experiencing a mortal, physical existence.

The concept of a matrix, where we experience an alternate reality to who and what were really are, is therefore useful for conceptualizing just such a situation.

Something I watched this week gave me further insight into this type of conceptual metaphor…

Its General Conference time again for the Mormons. This happens every 6 months, usually in April and October. Last Saturday during the afternoon session D. Tod Cristofferson gave a talk on the atonement and in that talk he related a portion of the story of Hellen Keller.

It was while pondering these thoughts on Hellen Keller and how she must have felt that my thoughts turned to the Matrix metaphor.

Hellen Keller went deaf and blind at a very early age, however before she lost these senses she would have had time to develop some of her brains capacity for communication using sight and sound. What I found interesting is the level of frustration she experienced being unable to communicate after the capacity and desire to communicate had already been developed as an infant.

We know that language development (both speech and body) begins very early in an infant and this capacity begins to be wired into our brains right from the start, hearing is developed even as a fetus.

So Helen Keller’s “matrix” only allowed her to experience 3 senses… smell, touch and taste as opposed to the normal 5 which she had experienced as a fetus and infant. Her brain had been wired to use the other two but that was no longer physically possible.

One can only imagine the challenges, the leap of insight that was required to figure out that communication could take place with gestures that could not be seen, sounds that could be made but not heard, and symbols that could only be felt.

I pondered how different her matrix was to the one we experience, and yet potentially how similar they are.

Her frustration and final discovery and realization, that there was a realm that existed that was hidden from her current physical existence but that could be explored, learned and mastered, with help, and that eventually became a source of great joy to her.

She found expression in something that was quite outside her physical self as I suppose all writers do.

In fact due to computers we as a species have created a whole new dimension, fondly referred to as cyberspace. Cyberspace has no physical existence but for the zero’s and ones stored on hard drives, resident in memory and traveling on networks and signals all around the world.

And yet daily we plumb the lengths, breadths and depths of this virtual world. This virtual Matrix.

I wonder how different this self-created virtual-physical matrix is from the physical-spiritual one we potential now experience.

For me it has been somewhat frustrating initially but well worth it to make those leaps of insight and learn and practice the skills necessary to discover, explore and expand both virtual and spiritual horizons.

I embrace and look forward to the day when we will emerge unhandicapped by this physical body and regain the full use of all our spiritual senses and capacities.

However I still joy in the experience that is ours to hone these capacities in a matrix the refines these capabilities in ways that would not otherwise be possible.

I have attached the talk I refer to for reference purposes. Its 15 mins long the first half is mainly foundational covering doctrines of the atonement and the latter half covers aspects of the Hellen Keller story and other insights.


What if your God lives in a Matrix and then he created anothr matrix?

When your answers raise the same questions, you stop making them

Best post I've seen on STEEMIT!

If all of us atleast take the knowledge from the bible in the size of a poppy seed it will give us life forever. Great post.

Upvoted, reblogged, shared, and "replied". Enjoyed the read!

Its usually due to some or other constraint that deeper understanding is reached. Having experienced it i can speak for myself when i say that the limitations are removed and we can start tapping into our limitless capacity. I beleive the timing is perfect and the seeds for what you speak of, well sown. Its conversations like these that now bring together the collective under guidance by simple logic, GOD, this collective energy creates the shift required to live as we see in our hearts.I have a saying, if its easy its God, else its you. Thank you for your post and the light for reflection on this. Stay blessed.

The theory that we might all be living in a computer simulation has gotten so popular among Silicon Valley's tech elites that two billionaires are now apparently asking scientists to help break us out of the simulation.

""I wonder how different this self-created virtual-physical matrix is from the physical-spiritual one we potential now experience.""

It's a huge difference.
One is trapped to the laws of the internet.
When the server of a website is down, or of the air then the information is offline.
Unless that information is shared on many other servers or clients, then it's a little difficult, but if all those computers get of the internet, then information is gone.
So that world is trapped to the laws of the internet.

Our mental being can only be trapped in a matrix, created by our own minds.
And the only one who can free the mental being, spirit or state of mind of the individual, is the person who created and order the mind.
Nobody can free your self from your own mind, because the mind can fool others but not the person who he is.
No god, or Jesus or any divine concept can free anyone who created his own prison.
So, the internet got boundaries, but our state of mind got not boundaries at all.
People create their own boundaries, and that is the concept of the matrix.

If we would take the advice of that guy in the video, then it means we need to stick in the matrix and hope we will be free when we died.
So what is your point with the video and your text?

Thank You , Gav, Very well thought out and explained. and of course for the "World's Matrix, Mr K Reeves knows it pretty well!

Great post @gavvet, you bring up good points that I have never thought about in the way you describe it. It did take me a lot of time to really fully learn and immerse myself in the internet(cyberspace). But now that I have I enjoy using it practically everyday.

Same thing is true with the body like you were saying. even though I would enjoy escaping the body to the spiritual energy part of myself, I also enjoy all the aspect of the body. The more I train and learn about myself (just like with cyberspace), the more I can utilize this body to accomplish every single desire that I have.

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