in #religion7 years ago (edited)

The Lenten season here in the philippines is celebrated by Catholic Church,born again christian and some Christian here and abroad!

We commemorate the passion of Christ,His agony and His sacrifices to us! Some people they commemorate this season throug visiting church ("bisita iglesia).

Some are praying,fasting and light a candle as a sign of their to give thanks to the Lord for His sacrifice!

And some of people do their devotion("panata") to commemorate this lenten season! They make a sacrifice, beat their own self., the one they called in the Philippines "Penintensya"(self flagillation)! Im against this practice of sacrifice,but i respect their devotion!

But some of them or some of us,dont know what is the celebration is! They are celebrating without asking,for what is the celebration for. Some of folks said; "This day the Lord is dead"! So we must sacrifice because He died for us! But what is the point of celebration this kind of lenten season?

What was the importance of this in our lives? Is this can renew our lifestyle if we celebrate this season of lenten? In some of my view some of us only commemorate this, but we dont know what is the importance abd what is the secret of Calvary!
Some of us, we will said that God has sacrifice for us,just because that is prophecy of the bible, and some other said because of our sins He sacrifice for us! But my point is the deepest reasons why God sarcrifice His Son unto Calvary!?

Hope on this topic or article of mine,may you have a knowledge of what is the Secret of Calvary?
Before we proceed to our main topic,.


Calvary definition- The hill near Jerusalem on which Jesus was crucified. The name is Latin for “Place of the Skull”; it is also called Golgotha.

And now heres our topic!

Heres the first one--


In old testament, adam and eve is the first creature of God! All things in the garden of eden and the whole universe, adam and eve give authority of God to manage and care for all the creation in the air,sea,and in the land!
But one thing of the rule of God is this; "dont eat the forbidden fruit in the center of garden just because you will die"! But unfortunately adam and eve break the rule!and on that day the death is come to us and the relationship of man between God was broken!he cast out adam and eve in the garden of eden and cursed by God!
Starting on that day, they cant talk directly to God. But they must make a sacrifice and if God glorified of your sacrifice,God will will bless you!

Somewhere in Israel,only a high priest can offer a sacrifice to the Temple Of God, once you are not worhty to sacrifice and lamb sacrifice is not good to God, you will die!

Thats the consequence of our broken rekationship. No one can talked and hear the voice of our God! Except for the prophets,and the chosen one.(like moses,isaiah,david to name a few) some of them hear the voice of God and talked by God through dreams.
And now, we must thank you for the kife of Jesus Christ that He sacrifice for us! And through His death on the cross,He restore the broken relationship between man and God! And now we can prayed directly to God,through in the name of Jesud Christ! And through His Name God hear our prayers, and we must happy just because we are united again with God!

The second one--



**This is the one of the secret of calvary! The forgiveness of our sins.
Did you ever know that a lamb sacrifice in old testament is the way to forgive the person who commit sin?! And th blood of lamb and lamb itself must be good for sacrifice so that God will forgiven you!

But i think when the Lord Jesus Christ who sacrifice for us and through His blood we are cleansed,healed and our sin was forgiven, through the blood that flow on the cross of calvary! Why we are forgiven through His blood? Because He is Holy and acceptable sacrifice! And His blood is the only one can be paid for our sins! Glory to God!

The third one--



Thank you Lord for this Salvation*! Through your blood and death we gain salvation! But wait; this salvation is belong for those people who will believe,accept and follow Him! The salvation is offered to us, and the things we should do is, "you must accept this". The rules for this salvation is ACCEPTANCE!

JESUS said; "whosoever believes in me,will not perish.., but have an everlasting life"..
The simple way to be saved;
-Believe in Him!
-Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour.
-and Follow Him!

The fourth one--



Satan is very happy, when Jesus Christ is died on the cross! But satan do not know,that on the cross of calvary..We win and we are victorious! How come? Did you know that whosoever be dead will always be dead? Because of our sins! But when Jesus Christ died on the cross, He break the power of death! We will have a second life after death and that is an everlasting life! That promise of God!
And did you know that we have a power in the Name ofJesus!we can cast out demons and pray for healing of the sickness and pray all things to be cleansed by powerful Name! THE NAME ABOVE EVERY NAME! JESUS NAME!


And now you know the secret of calvary!
I hope this sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus will not be put into nothing! Remember His Sacrifice,agony and passion to have this restoration,forgiveness, salvation and victory!
I thank you for all this things that He did for us! And now we cam boast in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Thanks for reading steemians!
Hope you like it!
God bless us all







Its about FAITH and having SELF WILL.
godbless😇I admire your post @greatwarrior79.

Thanks for your appreciation @samuyuru4! GOD BLESS US ALL!keep on steeming!