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RE: It's All About Perspective!

in #religion8 years ago

Hello folklohr, very nice post.
tatty's still have a bad-imagine to the sheeple. "Jones" social programing.
I used to get disappointed when I tried to say hello and all I got was a top of a head as they stared at the ground and continue walking. Now I assume they did not hear me and wish them well any ways.

You are so correct about perspective


I like it. Btw Jesus hung out with people with far worse "conditions" than some ink under their skin (have a few myself). My thoughts:

  1. This guy has no game.
  2. This guy is awkward.
  3. You should have pity on him.
  4. You got hit on. Even if it felt like this moment ........IMG_0034.PNG You Got Hit on.
  5. People have no etiquette anymore.

It is All About Perspective. ;)

I came to realize how happy I am to be me, and yes I blessed them from my heart. I realize their behavior is an expression of their own hurt and not a true reflection of me. Thank you for your friendship!❤❤❤

Love.....Forgive lest ye not be forgiven. I struggle with the idea that people are d-bags just because they want to be a d-bag. I have a discipline issue myself so I try to put things in context. There's no telling what your neighbor might be going through in their personal life. this person might be zoned out by some bad news or something may be going on that has forced them into a very inward posture. When the universe lines up to see D-Baggary in multiples like this, especially in sequence, it is my belief that the Lord is trying to teach us something. Our job is to figure this out by seeking a higher frequency. I think of as the Lord giving us a work out. A test of our ability towards patience, love, forgiveness and many other virtues. These are things that must be exercised in order to be strengthened. The moments you describe are just resistance. I don't know anything. All I do is weld.

Yes, I am in agreement with this. I have been clearing a great amount of old energy that is no longer functional in my life. The more I clear, the more old junk comes up to be acknowledged and cleared. I do recognize that the neighbor is going through her own suffering, and I do bless her with love from my heart. I also allow myself to move forward.

Yes, behavior is an expression based on one's own perspective.