Well, what a week it has been! I am unbelievable glad to be able to sit down and give a positive update on our spring and summer activities here on the farm. It seems that a lot of what is being asked of us this year is the sharing of knowledge, which excites me to no end. Knowledge is one of those resources that never really goes bad. You can take it with you everywhere and with just a little bit of work, you can dust off and use even the oldest, rustiest piece of information. I am proud to say that I already have two classes booked for the annual Beltane celebration we attend and a third one already in the works for later this month.
I am very much looking forward to the class coming up this month, since it is a topic I haven't been teaching much lately. Leadership training is a thing that seems to be sadly lacking in the non Judaeo-Christian communities in this country and to have community leaders come to me and ask me to share those skills is a great honor. I am truly hoping that this will be a continuing trend and that we will see a new generation of passionate and compassionate leaders emerge from our various faiths.
The classes at Beltane are especially important to me as there is so much erroneous or misleading information in the news currently regarding Germanic Heathenry. With the faith and values of our ancestors forming the driving core of our efforts here on the homestead, it truly breaks my heart to see that we are painted with the same broad strokes as those who pervert our faith. The chance to share our beliefs, our practices and values in such a way as these classes provide, gives me a small glimmer of hope that perhaps we can demonstrate that the majority of Heathens are bad people.
With all of that said, I am still looking forward to book more classes and sharing more knowledge, especially in the areas of old world farming, ancient Germanic culture and craftsmanship, as well as modern day leadership skills and training. If anyone has any interest in these topics, please let me know below and I will add them to my list of topics to blog on.
Until next time my fellow Steemians, keep doing what you love and never stop fighting for what you believe in!