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RE: Daily Scripture

in #religion7 years ago

God's word is truly "living", the way he uses it to teach each of us, each day is an indicator of his presence and care.

Look at this verse, and how just this morning I was reading Isaiah 5 which talks about this topic: 1) that we dont know when He will return, 2) that we cant rush Him, 3) that we need to be ready at all times because it may happen anytime.

And then I was listening to CS Lewis, "Essay Collection and Other Short Pieces", in which Lewis argues that this very verse is one of the best examples for the authenticity of the bible, and the genuiness of its records, because at first glance it seems to undercut the claim that Jesus was God, in that it states a limit on Jesus' knowledge, but that in fact underpins the accuracy of the Bible's accuracy and subsequently the claim that Jesus was Son of God, in that the words recorded were simply what happened, whether they appeared at first glance "good" or not.

Jesus was both God and man, and somehow, though its hard for us to understand it, He was both infinite and limited (in some respect), he was both God himself and somehow "forsaken" by God. How this can be is hard to comprehend, but the Bible says it was so, and I for one accept it to be true, yes because the Bible says so, and also because I see the truth of His assertions to be true.

Life really is won when it is set down, joy really is found when we work for the betterment of our brothers, and when we live as if all people were made in the image of an infinite being. These in my view are evidence that the Bible is accurate, and Jesus' claims were accurate.

Anyways, I digress. I just wanted to share that its neat how the Bible will find its way into your life, to speak its truth to you, from different people, and conversations, so that you, and I, may learn what we need to learn. This is clearly a verse I needed to hear again, and so thank you.


Thank you for sharing this experience, yes it is great how God work.

It is really difficult to understand the three persons of God, but as you say we must just believe. Another great verse indicating that Jesus was there from the beginning is John 1, as we know the Word is Jesus.

1)In the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2)From the very beginning the Word was with God.
3)Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him

Thanks for the very nice reply.