The woman with the issue of blood got healed by being thirsty that 'if only i can...
Those people that carry d sick man 2 Jesus 4 healing tru d roof where Jesus was were also desperate in Thirsty.
Salvation got into Zacchaeus house through Thirsty that 'I just need to see this Jesus'.
Jesus told the disciples you all need empowerment 'go & tarry' that's Thirsty.
Are you Thirsty too?
It is ur thirstfulness of heart that gives you unimaginable result 2 walk in d same quality of Jesus as Way, Truth & Light.
The reason why you are where you are now & in d future lies in depthness of being Thirstness of Him. Nothing you 4 another grand-style of you as being Thirsty. Beloved, dive in into this blank cheque of God. 'If anyone Thirsts, let him come to Me and Drink
Faith healing is the power of suggestion. The same way people are healed by hypnosis and all the hundred other religions. The mind is an impressionable thing, but results are what counts.
you are on point @ bigmantlings