I speak from experience as my family was raised in this religion. So, if any of you out there want to chime in, feel free. It is open for discussion.
Please do yourself a favor and do some research before you get into a debate with JWs. Yes they are nice people, but they don't have the freedom to think critically for themselves, that is if they want to stay in the "flock". They are regurgitating the same information that is found in all their literature. Is there anything wrong with that? No. But you may find yourself running in circles when debating with them. But of course, every one has their own freedom of belief and expression. It's just that they're goal is to convert you and they will say whatever you need to hear to make that happen.
My father is still to this day and has been since he was 19, he’s such a robot, I don’t even know who he really is. He doesn’t really know how to act because he is told what to do by “The Watchtower”. He can’t hold conversations for long without resorting to his iPad and showing you something from the JW website. It’s sad. I wanna have a relationship with my dad, but I’m disappointed when I go over there.
The founder Charles Taze Russell was a mason, and in spite of the JWs not recognizing the cross, among other symbolism, there is a pyramid and a cross on his grave sight. hmmm.....
I’m grateful to say I’m not locked up in that organization anymore and I am free to live this life that I have been given with the free will that has been gifted to me. To be able to think for myself, to love who I want, to hang out with who I want, to do what I want with my time, energy, and resources, to further my career on my own terms without having to check in to see if it’s ok with the “elders”. It’s not God, it’s men that made themselves into Gods. You are not separate from God. God is within not without.
In memory of Tamara Hodge. My baby sister that died as an infant because my dad was instructed by these men who call themselves elders, to refuse an operation that could have saved her life because of their interpretation and translation of the "Bible" said so. However, today, the operation would have been ok. Oops!
Tnx for sharing, grew up as a jw myself so completely relate. Yea nice people, but theology all wrong sad to c what happens to people who don't have an accurate understanding of scripture when confronted by one-sided interpretations as are the majority who become jw's. Thankfully I was able to kep an open mind and was able to discern their falseness when studying opposing views. Spirit filled child of God now, by His grace.. so sorry about your sister, but she is fully alive now in the Holy City..
Thanks for the love my brother. You're right she is, and it's good to meet other's that have made it out. Respect! Following you
Nice. I am the Apostate named Goose on Steemit. I got disfellowshipped back in the early 90s after about 5 years. The Elders considered me a threat because I raised too many controversial questions.
Thanks for sharing. I have a few JW clients that I would love to witness to myself. They are so nice . I hate the fact that they are being deceived. I have tried subtly to witness but I can't get them to engage into a more in depth conversation about Scripture. I have my Bible with me at work . Any suggestions ? I would deeply appreciate it. Isn't it amazing how far and how deep the Free Masons go? I'm happy for you and others that you have been set free with the Truth. God bless. Upvoted. Will follow.
Thank you kindly. I'll gladly follow you back.
I am an ex Jehovah's Witness and now a Freemason.
Interesting read. I've only really met one JW and she was nice...........uh oh
Of course she was, I mentioned that they were.
Now you have met two Jehovah's Witnesses. I am the Apostate. Follow me.
Great read ..
Thank you
Fellow Philosopher, follow me. I am the JW Apostate.
Thank you for sharing. I too am a recovering JW. I'm now following you, if you'd like to follow back. I plan on writing about my experiences as well.
I like your avatar. I am a Freemason, a philosopher and an ex-JW.
Thanks for sharing! Sorry to hear about your baby sister, so sad. I was raised a JW, glad I'm out
Thats why i had to open a YouTube channel in german because in Germany the media is under control Jehovah's Witnesses watchtower organisation is a stock company in Germany I want something about this inside of this organisation and this is really sad I feel sorry for living inside of Germany where I was thinking there is liberty of press but is under control
And the same forte German Wikipedia the administrators a working for Antifa groups and the Antifa groups day Support Jehovah's Witnesses so when you write in German Wikipedia thst jehovahs shitnesses are a stock company or about the sex abusein Australia, one administrator will come and the light your posting and the like your account and blocking and ban your IP address for ever
It's crazy how much speech is suppressed at every turn these days!
Having read your letter I must point out some mistakes in it firstly the witnesses do not regurgitate the information in the magazines that they give away free of charge the witnesses and the magazines are one in agreement with each other and the magazines promote the beliefs that any individual Witnesses already accepted.
the magazines are based on an exceptionally high standard of scriptural knowledge and therefore promoting this information is promoting the word of God you will not find the Trinity hell or hellfire or Immortal soul or false religious practices mentioned in the bible like Christmas birthdays Easter ect all of these things are condemned by the Bible and so the Jehovah's Witnesses in harmony with scripture will not practice them...it's not brainwashing that can be said about anything anyone believes... but it's obedience to God through his word.
The use of the iPad and the jw.org website is a recent thing because Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaim the Bible as God's word it is necessary when questions are asked to refer to other information because the subject is so large and people's questions are so varied
. no person is a walking encyclopedia Therefore your description that he is a robot for referring to the internet is wrong... but you are showing your hand regarding the criticisms of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Regarding the pyramid and cross on the gravesite of Charles Taze Russell that is not true... the pyramid was put there by a number of people years after Russell's death. Russell believed in a common belief in the eighteen-hundreds that the pyramid was a witness Stone from God this is not unique to Charles Taze Russell as many people believe that back then, however the Bible students rejected that idea after Russell died just as they rejected the cross also and some of his friends contributed to a pyramid shaped headstone near to his grave not close about 5 meters a way it was a headstone in the shape of a pyramid nothing more... witnesses did not believe a pyramid had anything to do with the Bible as its construction is from a pagan Nation....so you are wrong on that point as well.
Plus the Bible clearly shows that Elders in a true Christian congregation are responsible for guiding and assisting those who attend and become baptized Christians, if their advice is to constraining for you then you should have a word with Jehovah about it because they represent his word, and as I said before Watchtower Society has an incredibly high standard of understanding regarding the Bible and that is why they stand that is different from all of that supposed Christian religions these religions are plainly wrong not scripturally biased but by Stone non-Christian practices and that's why you celebrate Easter birthdays and Christmas my friend.
And my final point on the baby's death in the family that you had well your father did not think it was the fault of the organisation or he would have left so without all the information on a matter it's best not to jump to conclusions like you have done maybe you should have a word with him and find out more accurately what happened at the Childs death tham say it was actuallyto blame because many times it's the doctor fault who is to blame for the death of someone who is a Jehovah's Witness and I can speak from experience on that matter.
I would love to hear your come back so we could discuss it a little bit further because everything you've said so far does not ring true to what I have learned about the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Below is a comfortable email address let me know your thoughts or anyone reading this if you want to know answer to what the witnesses actually believe.
[email protected]
I would love to have a conversation with you! I sent you an email Dr.
Beautiful post but very sad. I understand from experience.
Read Cracks in the Walls of the Watchtower