Graphic of earliest known Hebrew Alphabet.
Searching through Hebrew alphabets, this was found. This is the alphabet used at the time of Moses and long before that in history. The alphabet may go back in time to Noah and certainly was in use at the time of Abraham.
The Tetragrammaton comprised of these symbols is certainly powerful, often characterized as YHVH, or YHWH in English and the romance languages that use nearly the same alphabet. Undoubtedly, the name of Jesus was first written with this alphabet so long ago as Y-SH-W-SH, or a similar combination.
Remember, like many languages, Hebrew is written from Right to Left.
What is so interesting about this alphabet is that the letters or glyphs represent things in daily life. The letter 'M' or MEM, looks like water with waves and means water. 'H' or HE, looks like a person with arms upraised in praise and so the Tetragrammaton contains two praises within the name. 'W', or WAH, is a tent peg. And, so on through this ancient alphabet.
Now that this alphabet is rediscovered, and most likely goes back to Melchizedek himself, do phrases, story, alliterations, and parables contain a spelling for many mysticisms upon which three world religions find root?
That is to say, do the writings of prophets contain some sort of code used to achieve the mystical unity with God? People have often found a 'Da Vinci Code' or other great insights in ancient religious works.
Could earthly nirvana be as easy to obtain as the blind opening the eyes seeing what can be seen and opening the ears to hear what can be heard? Is there a holy grail in the writings of the Torah, Pentatuch, the old and new testaments if one knows how to find it?
Can you find a smaller picture? I still can see something.
Does that mean the photo is too small, too large, or you need another follower for your funny comment? Okay, I will follow you if you follow me. Thanks everyone for the votes!
your photo still gives me
@jeff-kubitz thank you for the information... Right ear truth.