Islam Brothers

in #religion9 years ago (edited)

These two wonderful men are the kindest people one will ever meet. True human beings. The one brother traveled all the way from South Africa to be present for his brother's birthday in Barbados. We met on the lovely Carlisle Bay beach early one morning. This encounter reminded me of JAH's teachings in the book, The Way Home, which I feel I should SHARE with the community - Here is an excerpt:

Mohammed and the Birth of Islam as yet another religion.

10:1 Once God had seen what Satan had done to Jesus’ teachings, with the birth of christianity, and its spreading and establishing, and the success that Satan was having, with yet another organized-religion, He decided to try, yet-again, to put people back on the right track.
10:2 After 600 years of so-called christianity developing, and people ignoring Jesus’ Message, God gave enlightenment to Mohammed, little by little, to try to pull the people away from organized-religion, and back to direct-contact with Himself.
10:3 He chose the arabs, because they were neither jewish nor christian, and the pagan-arabs already worshipped the Morning Star (Al-Uzzah) as a divinity, and hopefully it would be easy to convert them from worshipping the star itself (Sura 53:49), to worshipping its King.
10:4 Also, the arabs were nomadic-traders, with caravans that travelled extensively, and could thereby spread the word of God, far and wide.
10:5 Mohammed was around 40 years old when God called him, and, like all the other Prophets, was not a religious man; he just talked to God and did God’s Will, and, like all the other Prophets, he was a “child of God”, by adoption.
10:6 Mohammed was not religious; he was just a believer, who strived himself, and taught the striving, to do God’s Will.
10:7 God explained, through the Koran, that Abraham had not been religious, just a believer, like Mohammed. Both Abraham and Mohammed, like Jesus, were, and fought, against organized-religions, and were both just “children of God” (adopted).
10:8 Unless you are “born again” in the spirit, and become like “little children”, you can NOT enter the Kingdom of Heaven (John 3:3-13 &Matt. 18:3-4).
10:9 God gave some clearer explanations, of the creation of human animals (Adam and Eve), and Satan’s angels submitting themselves, to being reprogrammed, and being locked-inside of human-animals - bow down to Adams and Eves (Sura 7:11 & 15:31). It tells you that everyone, except Iblis (Satan), agreed to bow down to Adams and Eves.
10:10 Mohammed passed-on God’s Messages, to his students, who wrote them down, without understanding them, and no-one, since then, has really understood them, until I have come again now, to enlighten the WHOLE world, with THIS Book, as I promised that I would (Mark 13:10 & Luke 17:24).
10:11 God also explained that He had told Abraham, where Heaven is (Sura 6:76), and He told Mohammed too, but Mohammed did not understand either (Sura 52:49 - Evening andMorning Star; Sura 53:1& 86:1), so the Lord told Mohammed, even more clearly, and told him that He is Lord of Sirius, and of the seven heavens, and of the worlds (Sura 53:49 & 23:86 & 86:1-4), but he still did not understand.
10:12 The Lord told Mohammed exactly the same as Jesus had taught, which is NOT to worship Jesus, or Mohammed, or any other Prophet or Angel, and to worship ONLY God (Sura 3:79)(Mark 10:18 &Matt. 5:48), and NOT to be priests (Sura 57:27 & Sura 4:152) (Matt. 5:19 & 23:8).

The PDF book is FREELY downloadable here: (