
That video was clearly made by a person that doesn't know much about genetics and biology.

This video doesn't explain in any way all the junk DNA. The fact that the video's maker seems ignorant about is that a great deal of our DNA is actually junk that doesn't serve any real function. That goes against the idea of intelligent design. Nothing intelligent about junk, right?

But if there is random mutation and slow imperfect evolution, these strands of junk DNA would be exactly what you would expect. On top of this, DNA actually shows us exactly how species evolved from a common ancestor and helps us understand very clearly who evolved from whom and how we are related to all the other life on the planet.

Additionally, the person that edited the video and tried to point out that Dawkins admitted to intelligent design has been either 100% dishonest and puposfully misleading or 100% of the meaning of the words "might" and "context".

Dawkins here explained that IF another species that evolved naturally throught the means of evolution was advanced enough to create artificial life to seed on the planet only THEN you MIGHT find evidence of intelligent design. Evidence that has not been found yet...

You shouldn't post videos that ignore so many facts and purposefully try to misrepresent what somebody had said.

You should check this out instead: