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RE: You Need To Consider The Possibility Your Religion Is Mythology

in #religion6 years ago

You also need to consider the possibility that science is mythology. Science is the product of proof like saying that 1+1 equals 2. But in a quantum universe 1+1 could equal anything. The most probable answer could be 2. The computer believes it must be 2! Well, religion is the product of belief.

Then again what is "Truth"? Is it a product of science or a product of religion? World truth is a momentary belief either in science or in religion that constantly evolves. The ultimate truth is a concept that surpasses the human mind and that could be conceived only by a state of consciousness that controls it. And this could be called God.

Posted using Partiko Android


I really like your answer here @laviq. Everyone treats "truth" as a specific destination... everything in this circle is true, and everything outside of it is not-true... when really truth is really just a particular spot on a spectrum or a maze, and is so incredibly open to perception and bias.

I wonder if we'd all be better off at not even worrying about what is true and what isn't... and just talk about our thoughts instead. "This is what I think at this particular time" instead of "this is the truth".

Everyone treats "truth" indeed, but not always as a destination• sometimes as a means for their purpose. While imo truth, light and beauty should always be a destination for everyone.

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I agree there is no real big "T" Truth in the absolute sense many fundamentalists use, as I posted about here.

Science is currently the best option we have for understanding our reality. If our reality is different, is it our reality?

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I believe in the science to come and in the religion that has come. Reality is a matter of perception but we should always seek a higher truth so to be able to perceive a wider part of reality.

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But in a quantum universe 1+1 could equal anything.

Are you a quantum physicist? Lots of people that disagree with science love to talk about the woo woo of quantum physics, but (not to commit a genetic fallacy, just noticing a pattern) they often don't know the actual science of quantum physics. I have a friend that actually is a quantum physicist who certainly has me questioning my understanding of hard materialistic determinism (among other things I've researched), but to say that somehow disproves science or math is quite silly. It's just a different category of understanding and/or something we don't understand well (yet).

Then again what is "Truth"?

I did a whole post on my thoughts there, if interested: What If There Is No Big "T" Truth?

by a state of consciousness that controls it. And this could be called God.

I agree with this, I just think some of the "god stories" many billions of people (and myself as well for most of my life) believe are, under close inspection, quite silly. Maybe we need better god stories like the simulation hypothesis. Here's a great video on that, if interested: The Simulation Hypothesis Documentary

No, I'm not a quantum physicist, I just like being silly talking about the woo woo of quantum physics. I also don't disagree with science, I just disagree with Kepler's or Newton's understanding of ancient texts. And I believe in the simulation hypothesis, it is something described even in ancient Babylonian texts and also in some non-canonical Bible texts.

I can also make some hypotheses. I am very certain that at some point the scientists will find out that they can transform matter to anti-matter with sound waves. Then we will find out that we are nothing more than frequencies in a vast cosmic harmony.
I am also an orthodox Christian. Christianity is not about getting a label, belonging somewhere or limiting your horizons. On the contrary it's about freeing your mind and soul thus being left alone to survive in a hostile world hoping only to God.

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