1 Buddhist Chant Par Excellence
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo literally means: To honour and devote oneself to the Law of the Lotus Sutra. It's not just another Buddhist mantra but one which, practitioners claim, is a powerful manifestation tool that puts you on the fast track to self-empowerment.
2 I Am Responsible For Myself
The practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo was started by Nichiren Daishonin, so as to help all living beings attain enlightenment. It is a practice whereby one holds oneself responsible for one's fate - not just the destiny waiting for us but the one that we can create for ourselves. Thus, do you unlock your highest potential...
3 Chant The Mantra
According to Nichiren Daishonin, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo can be chanted for benefitting any reason for prayer. He says, even if one were to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo just once a day, or once a year, or once a decade or just once in a lifetime, even then that person would receive unimaginable benefits.
4 Lotus Sutra
Sakyamuni, as The Buddha is known, is believed to have stated in the Lotus Sutra that the mantra Nam Myho Renge Kyo is available to all and makes no distinctions. Thus, anyone can chant it with the right attitude and appreciate its benefits for himself.
5 Sound Therapy
Practioners of this mantra testify that these four words when chanted, give off such spiritual vibrations that one's outlook of the world itself shows positive change. be considered poor to turn on their head.
6 A Tranquil Mind
This chant, as all other chants, helps soothe our troubled minds, removing the veneer of suffering, grief, hardship and pain, and replacing them with peace...
7 Tapping The Buddha Within Us
The words Nam Myoho Renge Kyo were established for the purpose of helping people to stop suffering and start living. Instead of suffering injustices, one suddenly finds the courage to meet challenges with determination.
8 Taking Charge Of Karma
We not only find peace and courage, we are also able to discard our negative karmas and shine through like silver polished of its layer of dust.
9 Proof Lies In Practice
But as the proof of a pudding lies in its eating, the benefits of this mantra can only be experienced through personal practice. So, start small by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo thrice in the morning and thrice in the evening, and see Life going in a positive direction...let's examine how it actually works, step by step...
10 Step 1: The Courage To Fly
The first thing you feel is a sense of courage. No wonder, Nichiren Daishonin described the chant as the roar of a lion. Through chanting, one summons up the Buddha nature that is in the heart of every living being. Thus, we also quell all voices of fears and doubts clouding our mind and causing us to lose focus.
11 Step 2: A Calm Mind That Thinks
Chanting forces us to meditate and examine the contents of our mind. We then stop reacting as we normally do and begin focussing, instead. As you become more courageous, you become the gardener and chart the path of your growth.
12 Step 3: Identifying A Goal
After your mind has calmed down, you identify what it is that you wish to achieve: Is it money, is a better job, is it family peace, or is it love? Then, even as you chant, you begin focusing all your mental faculties on the object of your desire, casting out negative thoughts and distractions. As Arjuna proved in the Mahabharata, there is nothing that a mind fixed firmly on a single goal, cannot accomplish.
13 Everyone Can Become The Buddha
Thus, you realise that you too can become the Buddha, the enlightened one, who can make his life blossom at will. Daisaku Ikeda wrote on January 2, 2012, his 84th birthday: "Hope Is Life's Treasure". Indeed, chant daimoku, as Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is also known, and let your hopes fetch you your treasure...
14 Number Crunching For Those Who Need Stats
It is said: "1 hour of daimoku, and you will see changes in yourself. 2 hours of daimoku, you will see changes in other people. 3 hours of daimoku, you will see changes in your environment. 5 hours of daimoku, you will experience miracles in your life. One million daimoku, you can feel your fortune. 7 million daimoku, your foundation as a human being will change. 20 million daimoku, even if you try to escape from it, fortune will continue to follow you. 70 million daimoku, you become the king of faith.
15 As You Like It
So, chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and feel the impact and miracle effect of it! Keep going and don't give up. Fight harder for your life!
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