Hi captaintj, I think that the Salvation Army has changed some over the years. Sometimes physical needs being met lead to a conversion. Jesus talked about giving to the poor, and I personally believe that it ties to the natural poor, and the spiritually poor. There are also many verses that speak of "giving alms," and visiting people who are sick and imprisoned."
I saw a movie a few years ago, "Les Miserables," based on the book. Anyway, it started off with this man who was a criminal and had escaped from prison. This elderly man met him in the woods, and invited him into his home for dinner and gave him a place to sleep for the night. The next morning the man awoke to find that this stranger was gone, and so was all of his silver. He was upset, and when the police showed up at his house with the stranger and the man's silver, the elderly man told the police that he had given it to him. If I remember correctly, the man ended up giving it to this stranger.
To make a long story short, nobody had ever given him a chance and the incident changed the man's life and set him in a good direction. That's kind of how I see it, but also we have to pray for wisdom when it comes to these kinds of things.
I don't know if that helps?
I think that what you gave was a decent answer, I have also heard it said that some people can concentrate on the gospel message until after they are fed (or other needs met Thanks :)