Coca-Cola and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

in #religion9 years ago

As you probably deduced from the picture the colours of the Four Horsemen of the book of Revelation chapter 6 of the Bible, are the same as the colours of the four main types of Coca-Cola that we now have. The Four Horsemen which make up the first four seals out of the seven seals in the book of Revelation.
The White Horse = Diet Coke
The Red Horse = Coca-Cola
The Black Horse = Coke Zero
The Pale = Chloros = Green (Greek) = Coke Life
I wrote about these Four Horsemen in my previous post called ‘The Future in a Nutshell’.

Before we go any further, the word apocalypse which comes from Greek actually means to unveil or disclose something that was hidden and to reveal or give revelation of God’s plan in the case of the book of Revelation. So the word Apocalypse has quite a different meaning to what is commonly presumed about it involving the destruction of the earth and Armageddon etc. Also the particular subject of this article about the link between Coca-Cola and the Four Horsemen is original in its content, you won’t find this material elsewhere online or on YouTube to the best of my knowledge at the timing of writing this in late August 2016, so this article in itself is something of an apocalypse/revelation.
I was at the cinema with my best friend to watch X-Men Apocalypse a few months and one of the ads that came up before the movie was a Coca-Cola ad and my friend who also has a keen interest in Biblical Prophecy said the colours of the four coke bottles are the same as the Four Horsemen.
That movie was pretty much a knock off bible prophecy designed to desensitize people to the subject. It was very provocative in that the Anti-Christ figure comes back to life and comes up out of an Egyptian Pyramid. Jesus warns us when speaking about false Christs in Matthew 24:26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth; behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
Also in the movie when the Anti-Christ figure recruits the first of his Four Horsemen, there is an episode of Star Trek the original series on a TV in the scene about an alien who claims he is Apollo. If we tie this to Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Greek tongue hath his name APOLLYON; then we realize that the makers of this film are hastening this future event in Bible Prophecy.
So there’s a lot more going on in movies like these than we realize but it was thanks to this movie that the Four Horsemen were on my friend’s brain to catch the connection to Coca-Cola.
When I ran some searches on this topic, there were no articles or videos about Coca Cola and the Four Horsemen. The only thing of relevance was in a book called “For God, country, and Coca-Cola: the unauthorized history of the great American soft drink and the company that makes it”. On page 163-164 it describes a 50th anniversary company convention celebration in 1936. At the convention finale, Harrison Jones delivered a speech entitled simply “Tomorrow”: ”There will be trials and tribulations. Men will be sorely vexed and their souls will be tried. . . . There may be war. We can stand that. There may be revolutions. We will survive. Taxes may bear down to the breaking point. We can take it. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse may charge over the earth and back again – and Coca-Cola will remain!” The motto to live by, Jones concluded, was that “Coca Cola is not yesterday it is tomorrow”. You’ll find this referenced by the link below.

You might say it’s all just a coincidence and maybe it is, I believe, however, the seals of the book of Revelation are open and that these Four Horsemen are indeed loose and running on the earth but not yet fulfilled as I’ve said in my previous post.
Coca-Cola has been on sale since 1894 and the colour of this product matches, the Red Horseman of War.
Diet Coke was first introduced in 1982 and the colour of this product matches the White Horseman of Peace.
Coke Zero was first introduced in 2005 and the colour of this product matches the Black Horseman of Famine, considering zero is for zero calories, famine is an apt description for this product.
Coke Life was first introduced in 2013 and the colour of this product matches the Green Horseman of Death. The Life/Death contrast here is quite provocative. A key bible prophecy verse that springs to mind is 1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
So from the time of the “Tomorrow” speech in 1936 to 2013, the introduction of Coke Life is 77 years (70+7). So after 77 years Coca-Cola has its own Four Horsemen on sale, in pretty much every country in the world, so they are indeed “charging over the earth and back” as Harrison Jones seems to have predicted.
The whole speech is full end times significance; “There will be trials and tribulations. Men will be sorely vexed and their souls will be tried” this is very biblical sounding language and is almost King James Version sounding. Also it refers to men’s souls. Revelation 18:13 refers to the souls of men being sold as merchandise.
“There may be wars” after WW1 (The Great War) people were saying this was the war to end all wars because it was so terrible. We now know that was not the case. Since then we’ve had WW2, The Cold War and the War on Terror to name a few since so he was right about there being war.
“There will be revolutions” there has been no shortage of CIA backed coups and regime changes since that time, most likely to the benefit of Coca-Cola’s operations in certain parts of the World.
“Taxes may bear down to the breaking point” we have seen a dramatic increase in the size and scope of governments who are continually creating more and more regulations and taxes to pay for it all. Unfortunately it is smaller companies that tend to suffer from big governance and big corporations like Coca-Cola have the money to spend lobbying governments to create regulation that favours them and stifles competition. So Harrison Jones was right in saying “We can take it”.
The next question is did Coca-Cola intentionally design this meaning into their products or was is just a random chance thing or is this a warning from God to let us know we are in the times of the fulfilling of first four seals; the Four Horsemen?
First off I don’t believe random chance beats the odds of this being coincidental, no more than it’s a coincidence that most of the Islamic countries in the middle-east have the same four colours of the Four Horsemen on their national flags.
I believe it is possible that Coco-Cola would intentionally design this meaning into their products based on the following:
That they are one of the biggest brands the world and you don’t get to be this big in this world unless you have sold out to Satan.
This fact is evident in scripture, Luke 4:5-7 And the devil, taking him (Jesus) up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.
Also CEO of Coca Cola Muhtar Kent was confronted on the video below after attending the Annual Bilderberg Meeting in 2012. At these meetings the agenda for the governance of the entire world is decided upon, with politicians, royalty, central bankers and CEO’s like Muhtar Kent attending. So people like Muhtar Kent get their marching orders from higher up at these meetings. This probably explains why he may look particularly unhappy after coming out of these meetings. This shows that the people at Coca-Cola are not just there to sell us soft drinks; they are part of a larger agenda. Also these meeting are annual so I would speculate that he was told to release the last of the Four Horsemen (Coke Life) at this meeting which happened the following year 2013.

Why would they do this? I believe the answer is in Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Also Matthew 18:18 Verily I say upon to you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
So this is a spiritual battle and unfortunately Satanists are probably way more active and committed to fighting in the spiritual realm through prayer, fasting and performing rituals (in the case of Satanists only) than most Christians are, myself included. The video link below is a testimony of a former Satanist, John Ramirez showing the reality of this spiritual warfare.

The book I quoted from earlier in the article and the website below show more evidence of Coca-Cola’s highly unethical and illegal practices.

Something else Coca-Cola is response for, in the spiritual war, is bring about the image of the modern day Santa Claus, Santa = Satan rearranged. Before the 1930’s there was no universal image Santa. We had Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle and they all looked different, some were tall and skinny, some wore green so there was no uniform image. Coca-Cola changed that by bring about the current One World Santa Claus we have today who lives in the North Pole etc. The video link below explains more about the dark history of Santa’s origins.

I also believe God wants us to notice these things and recognises the times we in. Coca-Cola has been around for 122 years and as of 2013 this sign of the Four Horsemen is in effect. This is but one many trends that show us we are in the End Times.
1 Chronicles 12:32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.
So what we should do is be ready because Jesus is coming soon.
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Those that don’t do this Jesus rebuked, Luke 12:54-56 And he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is. And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it cometh to pass. Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?
The people that Jesus was talking to here were His own people and they missed His First Coming even though they were meant to be looking for Him but they didn’t recognise Him because He didn’t fit their preconceived ideas. How much more difficult is it for you to be ready for Jesus, if you are not even looking for Him or His Second Coming?


Haha! Yes, you have a very peculiar way of thinking, but for some things you are definitely completely right.