America is a Representative Constitutional Republic... unlike a Democracy ie Majority/Mob Rule...

in #religion5 years ago

America is a Representative Constitutional Republic... unlike a Democracy ie Majority/Mob Rule... 2 Wolves and a Lamb voting on what is for Dinner. -Ben Franklin. "I pledge Allegiance to the Flag and to the Republic for which it stands." And Uniquely "E Pluribus Unum" "Out of Many One" and All People of the Earth are born Equal, under the Constitution and served and protected by the Rule of Law.

All People are born with the same inalienable rights under the Declaration & the Constitution.

Given to them by their Creator, not by People serving in the State, Local, or Federal Government. And only the Creator has the power to take them away! We the People established a limited Government that must have the Consent of the Governed, so that Power does not go to those that serve, believing now they are the Masters and We the People; the Serfs, or the Slaves.

The problem with Socialism and Communism is the absence of Liberty and the problem with Capitalism is the Love of Money, Greed. Forsaking the Love of We the People and the Nation, WWG1WGA!

The Free Market must be limited and governed by rule and law by necessity. To prevent those that would seek a Monopoly by the lawless. Or the Destruction of whole cities by Vulture Capitalism, they that only seek Short Term Profits and has no heart in the Long Term and the Prosperity of other Families and the Nation-State as a whole. Good Government relies on it being run and filled with Good Servants if it is to be a Government that Serves We the People; paid workers.

A Government filled with People of a Ruling Class, expect to be served by We the People and they will insist just like a Monarchy or Dictatorship, upon raising more and more Taxes, while accomplishing even less than before.

The very definition of Patriotism is the Love of We the People and the Nation. Someone that puts the Good of America first not themselves. And that is the definition of a People that are the Government that seeks to Serve the Good of America and We the People.

Knowing that a Bicycle is Only as Good as its weakest link. The Poor, the Sick, and the Disabled should be a Priority of every Nation. Teach a man to fish, to provide for his family and do not do it for them. Free, has no value and is worthless but not to those that it was stolen from.

The Story of the Ants that work hard during Spring, Summer, and Fall to prepare for the Winter. While the Grasshopper sings, dances prance and play then freezes to Death in the cold harsh Winter's days.

The Story of the Little Red Hen, asks who will help me bake my Bread and everyone has an excuse not to help. Then when the Bread is finally finished after much preparation and hard work. Everyone wants a Slice of the Bread but the Little Red Hen says Sorry for you were not there to lend a hand in the work you will not share in the eating of the Bread.