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RE: What is hell, it is a made-up place for all the people that refuse to bow to Rome or England

in #religion7 years ago

Luke 17 v21-23 Says Heaven is within you. So I can easily surmise that the same applies to Hell. BTW, Look up the original Greek and Hebrew and you will find that the word Hell is substituted for 5 other words. I can presume from Christ's witness and testimony that when he says: he sowed the wheat the good seed of the good word in the wheatfield. Then the enemy (of the Son of God. God's Son, the Jesus that YWHY called his Son for doing his goodwill and loving one another, given in the OT) came in behind him and sowed the Tares (lies) that look exactly like the wheat when young, to mean only with time can we tell the difference with much study to learn to rightly divide the word. realizing the Bible has NOT been written by GOD or Christ nor even Disciples but the Priests of Rome the Enemy of the Jews, by Man and most assuredly the letters of Paul, that are not part of the Gospel. Paul even saying these are his opinions and not Gospel. Also, someone, if Paul is a Disciple and being led by the Spirit of Christ and the holy spirit of Our Father, writes in the letters I cannot do what Jesus says and I do what Jesus says not to do, then goes back to that old vomit of the law of Shed blood. Thus begins the narrative that Jesus is not the Christ come in the flesh but God himself comes into the flesh to become a sacrifice to himself for himself just to forgive all the Romans of every past present and future sins such as slaughtering everyone that refuses to bow the New God of Rome and its image, the name of a man, the mark of the beast. With a CURSE to is hell and a blessing for its heaven, on everyone that rejects or accepts their new Deity that is no longer the God of the JEWS and Gentiles. A GOD that Curses both Jews Muslims and everyone on earth, just like a cancer that now spreads. A new God to win all wars just paint the mark of the beast on their shields robes sails and flags. The mouth the words hot and cold making it lukewarm, God does not Curse, God Our father is exactly like Christ but Greater, the head of Christ. Of the son of God, Jesus the Christ, not Jesus with a Holy Virgin Mother; the Queen of heaven. And the new 3 headed 3 Godded, jumping around like frogs each saying they are GOD. The Dragon the beast and the False Prophet that speaks for the Trinity, the virgin New Holy Father New Holy Mother for a New God also named Jesus. Claiming it is the Messiah, makes a great poster boy and cover story. But is is not the Jesus that was anointed by the good Owner of the Flock his good Master good Lord good King good God and good Father