It is hard to watch so much Stupid being practiced daily and the largest amount of ignorance being sold as awareness by the WOKE. Brainwashing, programming and mind control of, you must believe this belief then do as you are told, without question of evidence... the proof is in the pudding.
Part and part of the Religion of Politics and the Politics of Religion, that go hand in hand with control over the People and the Population ie, God is in control... Sheep to the Slaughter by the wolves in Sheep's Clothing. Everything that has, is and will happen... God willed it. Not those in power, the Ruling Class of the Elite, getting rich off the suffering, pain, and misery of others.
Those whose only desire is pride and greed for more power, wealth, the love of money.
Dominion over the world, like every Cartoon villain, that wants to be Supreme and Rule the World. Or like the Biblical Villain Satan that offers Dominion, for one time only and the small price of selling their Soul. With the Belief that it is better to rule in Hell on Earth than to Serve and make Heaven on Earth.
This can only be brought with the truth of knowledge and Goodwill towards All. Teaching the children to question and test everything, just as they do before they eat and drink. They should test and question what others would have them believe, think, and feel, accepting as the Truth. No matter how much Fear is in the offing.
Even Jesus the Christ, not the God but the Son of God and the Son of Man said: it is better not to believe than to believe the lie and be the deceived.
Lest at any time, We the People, swallow the lie of a belief and become the deceived that deceive. Teach the Children to love the Truth and the Spirit of it... Where are the would-be Shepherds, that Fight the Wolves and those in Sheep's Clothing washed in the Blood of the Lamb. As if their Sins and Crimes against Humanity are invisible to the All-Seeing Eye and hand of God?
They do not accept any attack on the Women and Children, as if the God or Gods had willed it.
Protection of the Flock and the least among you is a Man and Patriots Duty, even if it cost you your own life. That is a small sacrifice to pay for the greater good.