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RE: [VIDEO] 99.9% of People Are Good; Violent Conflict is Almost Always Avoidable.

in #religion7 years ago

It's beneficial for the soldiers in terms of preventing unnecessary bloodshed and suffering. Geneva Convention, for example. Not to mention, neither side wants to lose soldiers, so if two sides are headed toward a massive clash with heavy losses on both sides, it could behoove both sides to avoid that situation with diplomacy.


They don't care about losing soldiers for the soldiers, they only care bout loosing soldiers because their power becomes less.

They don't care about innocent civilians either.
What about fighting so called defencive wars on the other side of the world. dropping bombs, on people who never did anything wrong. Irak comes to mind. WMD's blabla, freeing the people of Irak blabla.

If you look at the real world tyrants are never there for their people, they only want to protect their war machine and the slaves that finance and build their war machines........
(edit they terrorize and extort too build their war machines)

Those man in that photo didn't make peace either they where drawing their imaginary lines on paper of which part of the slave plantation will be theirs.

I see the rulers and tyrant not as benevolent people. Not one.......well when I was a statist I believed the gospel of government. But not anymore.

Regardless, they do care about losing soldiers.

At first you said they don't care at all, so at least we've come closer to the truth.

I used to believe the gospel of anarchy, which is nihilistic, but not anymore.

Self ownership is not gospel. I am not a slave. And I have nothing with nihilism what so ever.

You believe in your religion that's fine, but don't force your religion on me, choose masters/ruler/leaders for yourself all you want, but don't pretend that you have a right to force me to obey the master/ruler/ leader, you choose for yourself.

Thanks for the replies anyway :)

Nobody is forced to obey. We purportedly have free will, which means we may always disobey.

It is pragmatic to choose to obey sometimes, for the avoidance of futile hassle.

Of course you are forced to obey, try to stop paying taxes, to the tyrants other people choose for you. Or disobey some immoral opinions from politicians which they call laws, and stick with your principles, I can tell you, the hassle is not futile. Because the violence will escalate until you obey to their opinions.

It's pragmatic to obey because you, value your freedom or don't want to die just jet.

I don't get the, free will, thing. Some nihilist bring the argument "we have no free will" as if I have to go along with their ideology because they came too that conclusion. (that it proves somehow that their system must be accepted or their ideology is to be obeyed.)
Even if we have no free will at all, does that mean we may not disobey????? Strange way of thinking. (not saying you are saying that)

If someone says to me; choice does not exist everything is pre-determent, does that mean that I have no other choice that to obey them or the one they believe I should obey. It makes no sense at all.

But I'm not gonna hold long philosophical debates, if you don't mind.
Thanks :)

I'm just saying that if we do have free will, then we can choose to disobey government.

That's not to say that if we don't have free will then we must obey government. Rather, if we have no free will, we have no choices at all. In that situation, we must obey a destiny that may or may not include obedience toward government.

Governments do give an implicit choice: obey, disobey and endure the consequences, or leave the land. I hope that the last option could make anarchy unnecessary, as it allows a virtual marketplace for governments. I think that as people vote with their feet, by immigration and emigration, worse governments will be defunded and better governments will be funded by the tax dollars gained or lost.

I think that such a marketplace is the best way to create the best governments that people might actually want.

What is so special about the people in government that they may punish you or steal your money or cage you if you don't obey their opinion.
Do they own the land, even the land you bought and payed for? That you are the owner of, because If they can tell you what you can or can not do, or leave the land you own, that means that they own your land and you are merely renting it, until you stop paying them rent or disobey their myriade of arbitrary rules that you have to obey.

A marketplace of mafias is the best way to create the mafia's that people might actually want. How about no mafia at all.
Because you want government does not mean I need one. I believe in non aggression if you believe in aggression fine but don't force it on me.