Indeed!Have full Tawakkul (trust) in Allah (SWT) (Lord)and never belittle that trust. For the trust we have in Allah is a path to success and a means to achieving victory. Never lose hope and always remember that the situation of a true believer is always one of goodness: For when they are granted a blessing from Allah (SWT) they praise Him and due to that they are rewarded and their blessings increase and when a calamity strikes they patiently persevere, and as a result of which they are rewarded and granted something better than what they lost.
Put your trust in Allah. Allah loves those that trust [in Him].
[Surah al-Imran 3: 159]
Although I do respect your view, as Christians we only believe in the one living God, the Father, Sun and Holy Spirit.
Thank you for reading and commenting.