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RE: Is there a scientific basis for Jesus Christ?

in #religion9 years ago
There seem to be many claimed eyewitness accounts that these events indeed happened. These may be disputed or accepted depending from individual to individual.
When we study how human brains work, we learn how unreliable eye-witness testimony actually is. For me, that falls well short of the criteria you asked for:
we would need to see some pretty extraordinary evidence.
I spent 30+ years in the Christian faith, including 6 in full-time ministry. I have my own reasons for losing eternity, but I do appreciate the respectful dialogue on the topic. I have friends and family who think it's a failing effort to attempt to "prove" the super natural because, by definition, it is outside of the natural which can be proven via observable, scientific means. That said, I'll still look forward to the ongoing discussion here. :)